Attention task for children 7 years old. Intellectual development of a junior schoolchild

In recent years, games and exercises for developing attention have been created and become popular abroad and in Russia. It is very important to develop attention in both children and adults. To make it easier for you to develop attention, we will give you the following exercises.

Exercise 1

Look around, what objects surround you? You need to choose one of these items and study it carefully.

For example, a flower vase. Look closely at her. What shape is the vase? What color is it? Study it. Try to describe this vase without touching it. Look at its surface (smooth, ribbed, with an embossed pattern, dusty, old). What kind of base does the vase have (round, unusual shape)? Look how dull or shiny it is? Evaluate your vase, what it means to you and why it is necessary. In the same way, you can consider other objects that surround you.

Exercise 2

Recently, children's books often offer memory development exercises.

For example, a picture is drawn, the child looks and remembers what is depicted on it. After two or three minutes the book closes and the child must tell what he remembers. This simple task trains your memory well.

For adults, you can also use this exercise only in a more complex form.

For example, you have a carpet on the floor in your room. Look carefully at the pattern depicted on the carpet and remember it. You can look at it for two or three minutes. Then look away from the carpet and try to tell what you remember. Next time you can look at some painting or sculpture and talk about it. Each subsequent lesson you should reduce the memorization time.

Exercise 3

You can develop observation, attention and visual memory in different ways. Let's consider one of them.

For example, for children, let's take five different objects. It could be a pencil, a pen, a colored eraser, a ball, or a jump rope. Let the children look at all these items, then put them in a dark bag. The guys must take turns telling what they remember.

This exercise can also be used for adults.

For example, let's take more items, seven or ten pieces. It could be a spoon, a mug, a glass holder, a medal, a beautiful stone, and so on. All these objects need to be carefully examined for two or three minutes. Then put it in a dark bag and try to tell what you remember.

With each subsequent lesson, the memorization time must be reduced. In the same way, you can develop your memory in everyday life. For example, look at the prices in the store and try to remember them. Try to remember and compare prices for the same product in different stores.

Exercise 4

This exercise is performed by two people. Take a friend to complete this task. Your friend should ask you questions on any topic and of varying difficulty. You must answer clearly and quickly.

For example:

    The most prickly flower? (Cactus)

    How many oceans are there in the world? (Arctic, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and so on)

    How many ears does a hare have? (Two)

    Permissive traffic light color? (Green)

    Which flower has seven colors? (Flower - seven flowers)

Psychologists have proven that positive emotions influence the development of skills and abilities. Learn new things with joy so that you have a good, upbeat mood. Increase your cognitive activity in the form of a game. After all, the spirit of competition appears in the game, and by mastering this feeling, you learn something faster and acquire new knowledge and skills.

Exercise 5

This is an exercise to develop your imagination. Look at what's around you at home and try to come up with a funny story. Children can easily cope with this exercise because they are great inventors.

For example, a little cat settled in our house. He loves to sleep on the sofa. One day he dozed off and a snoring-snoring appeared. And so on, you can continue this story, or you can come up with your own. Don't be afraid to fantasize, come up with whatever you want.

Exercise 6

The next exercise should be done with a friend.

Example 1. Listen to the song, then your friend must remove one line from this song; it can be any line, just not the first lines and not the last. Your task is to determine which line is missing.

Example 2. Listen to a poem performed by your friend. Then your friend removes one line from the poem. Your task is to determine which line is missing.

Exercise 7

Look at the following number and find the number of two consecutive digits that adds up to 12.


Now tell the number of groups of three consecutive digits that add up to 14.


Exercise 8

What numbers are divisible by 2 and 3 at the same time?

56 74 99 66 84 75 36 42

Exercise 9

Place a clock in front of the TV when an interesting movie or program is on. Now look at the second hand for two minutes without turning your gaze to the TV screen.

Exercise 10

Take a sheet of paper and two pencils. You need to draw a circle and a square with both hands at the same time. With your left hand you draw a circle, and with your right hand you draw a square. You start drawing and finish at the same time. The circle should be smooth with a beautiful circle, and the square with beautiful corners.

Look what you got.

Now you need to draw as many circles and squares as possible in one minute.

After completing the exercise, you can evaluate yourself:

    5 pictures – bad;

    6-7 – average, neither bad nor good;

    8-10 – good;

    Over 10 is a very good result.

Exercise 11

You need to draw a circle and a square with two different fingers of one hand.

Practice how you can hold pencils more comfortably so that you can draw two objects at the same time.

How many circles and squares can you draw in five minutes?

After completing the exercise, you can evaluate yourself.

If you couldn't draw:

    None – bad;

    1-3 – average not bad;

    4-5 – good;

    Over 5 – very good.

Exercise 12

Write numbers one and two using two different fingers of one hand. Look what you got. Then you can take numbers two and three and practice with them.

If it doesn't work, write:

    None – bad;

    1-3 – average not bad;

    4-5 – good;

    Over 5 – very good.

Exercise 13

Find the name in the following phrase:

For example, bring coffee to your uncle. Here you can find the name Fedya.

Read the following sentences and find the names in them:

    This lobster is tasteless and so are the apples. Nanny, give me fresh ones - in orange jelly!

    The May light doesn’t bother me either, but I feel bad from the early night.

    Bring some hot peppers from the summer market, please!

    I forged iron on a bright day.

Try to make such sentences yourself.

Exercise 14

The following exercise is a description of an object from memory. Take an object such as a table lamp. Look at it carefully. Now close your eyes and tell everything you remember, describe the lamp. Then you can open your eyes and see what you missed in your story. Close your eyes again and try to describe the lamp more accurately. This exercise must be repeated several times. You need to learn to describe completely, without leaving anything out. Then you can do this same exercise with another object.

Exercise 15

In Exercise 14 you described a lamp. Now in exercise 15 you need to hide the lamp, take a piece of paper and a pencil and draw it from memory. Compare your drawing with the original lamp. Have you drawn everything or missed something? Look carefully at every little detail.

Exercise 16

Before going to bed, try to remember the people and objects that surrounded you all day. Remember the phrases that were addressed to you. If you listened to the lecture, then recall facial expressions and gestures in your memory. Remember what was said in the lecture verbatim. Analyze your entire day and evaluate your memory, observation and attention.

Exercise 17

Our brain is capable of seeing, understanding, and processing a very large amount of information in an instant. You can develop and achieve a lot by developing your brain through training and exercise.

For example, take a book with bright pictures. Pick one and instantly look at it. Close the book. What do you remember? You need to tell as much as possible what you remember.

The same exercise can be done, for example, with a painting. Train and compare each time how much your results have improved.

Exercise 18

In this exercise you need to take 5-7 objects without looking at them and put them on the table. Cover them with dark material. Now open it, count slowly to ten, and close it again. Write down everything you remember on paper. Describe these items. The next time you do the exercise, put more objects, for example 8-10 another time 11-13 and so on. Make the exercise more difficult for yourself each time.

Exercise 19

This exercise has something in common with the previous one. You need to go into an unfamiliar room and quickly remember as many objects and things that are there as possible. Then you leave the room, take a piece of paper and a pen and write down everything you remember. What is written can be compared to what is in the room. How much and how quickly your brain remembers. If you remember little, repeat the exercise. Next time try this exercise in a different room and with a different setting.

Exercise 20

This exercise will help you remember important things. Memorization is associated with the sound that you hear during some events. If there are no sounds, then they must be imagined.

Imagine a moving motorcycle. He rushes and makes some sounds. What are they? come up with them. With the help of these sounds you can always remember something very important.

Exercise 21

This exercise is also about remembering very important information. You need to take any poem and highlight phrases in it. For each phrase you need to come up with several questions. If you want to remember well, do it every day.

Exercise 22

Think of a route for yourself that you will take. For example: from home to a store or from home to work.

Walk along this path and notice all the bright signs that you encounter along the way. Then, at home, take paper and pencil and make a map of unusual signs.

Exercise 23

Select several items for your attention so that they are perceived equally by you. Then try to concentrate your attention on one of the subjects that you choose as the main one.

All attention can be divided into three circles:

    The large circle is the entire visible and perceived space (in the theater - the entire auditorium, in the institute - the entire audience);

    The middle circle is the circle of direct communication and orientation (in the theater - the entire auditorium);

    The small circle is the person himself and the space that surrounds him (in the theater - the artist himself and the nearest space where he plays his role).

Games to develop attention

Educational games and exercises are a great option not only to pass the time or have fun, but also to improve memory. Let's look at some of the most powerful exercises.

Educational game "memory matrix"

Remember the location of the shaded fields in 1-2 seconds, and then reproduce the shaded fields from memory. The game trains visual memory and memorization speed.

Search for numbers and letters

Try also to practice searching for letters. These exercises are great for developing peripheral vision and speed reading. You can read more about this exercise in the separate article Search for letters and in the article with the simulator Search for numbers and figures.

Educational game "Remember and find"

A game to develop working memory and memorize objects. For a moment, a set of objects is shown that you need to have time to remember, and from memory determine which object has changed.


Reading by sighting

We have also developed another useful simulator that is suitable for both developing lateral vision and developing speed reading. When you click on the "Random phrase" button, the simulator displays a random sentence for 1-2 seconds. Try to take in the entire line:

Courses to develop attention

These courses will help you develop one hundred percent attention, excellent memory, fast reading and mental arithmetic.

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase

Super memory in 30 days

Remember the necessary information quickly and for a long time. Wondering how to open a door or wash your hair? I’m sure not, because this is part of our life. Easy and simple exercises for memory training can be made part of your life and done a little during the day. If you eat the daily amount of food at once, or you can eat in portions throughout the day.

Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

The brain, like the body, needs fitness. Physical exercise strengthens the body, mental exercise develops the brain. 30 days of useful exercises and educational games to develop memory, concentration, intelligence and speed reading will strengthen the brain, turning it into a tough nut to crack.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Learn to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers, and even take roots. I will teach you how to use easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.


Develop your imagination, turn on logical thinking, learn to redistribute your attention. You must be able to organize the learning process so that it is interesting and exciting for you.

In a 7–8 year old child, the ability to volitionally regulate and control attention intensively develops, and voluntary attention is formed. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the maturation of the brain by this time leads to a balancing of the processes of excitation and inhibition, and secondly, the level of cognitive development of the child by this age allows him to perform mental actions on the internal plane (in the mind).

The learning process, which is the leading activity of a primary school student, contributes to the development of voluntary attention, its stability and concentration. As the child's range of interests expands and he becomes accustomed to systematic educational work, his attention - both involuntary and voluntary - develops intensively. However, voluntary attention is fragile, and if something interesting appears, attention immediately switches. Therefore, for younger schoolchildren, especially first-graders, it is not a verbal explanation that is of such great importance, but a demonstration, a bright picture or slide, an action. An attempt to maintain attention for a long time is unsuccessful, since the high exhaustion of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex, low stability of attention, emotionality and the rapidly developing so-called “protective inhibition” lead to distractions and “motor restlessness” after 10–15 minutes of intensive work.

The development of attention of a 7–8 year old child should occur in several directions. The first and most important thing is the formation of mental actions. Let us illustrate this process using the example of counting: at the first stage, the child is explained the need for the ability to count; on the second, he masters counting operations in a materialized form (counting with sticks, etc.); the third stage is learning to pronounce all actions performed out loud; at the fourth stage, the child pronounces the entire counting process to himself; and finally, in the fifth stage, he is able to do mental math.

The second and no less important direction of the development of attention at this age is associated with the formation in the child of the ability to control and evaluate himself. For example, when teaching how to write letters, you need to discuss with a first-grader all the nuances of the standard, pay attention to difficult moments that can cause errors, and help the child understand why he cannot write as in the model. The goal of such work is to ensure that the child has a model imprinted in his head that he could use as help.

And the third, far from obvious, direction for developing the attention of first-graders is increasing their self-esteem. The fact is that, according to research, many children's self-esteem decreases when they enter school. And a person who is afraid of the result does not concentrate well on the problem, since he worries more than thinks. The task of parents is to support the child in this difficult time for him, and in no case scold him for the fact that the letters are not beautiful enough, etc.

You can also develop attention with the help of special exercises. The tasks offered on the site in this topic are aimed at training various characteristics of attention. The tasks are developed taking into account the interests and characteristics of the cognitive development of children of this age. They will definitely help your child become more attentive!

Good luck to you and may your classes bring you joy!

The development of attention in a 5-6 year old child is an important stage in his preparation for school. Young students often have to focus on completing tasks, even if they are not always interesting.

The attention of children 5-6 years old is often involuntary. It can be difficult for a child to concentrate, as a result of which he is distracted, has difficulty concentrating on one thing and often changes activities. We recommend that parents of young fidgets treat this with understanding, because this stage of development is quite natural.

Teachers often complain about children’s lack of attention, so when preparing a 5-year-old child for primary school, it is important to include special classes in the program. Schoolchildren develop the ability to concentrate in the process of their main activity - games. It can be role-playing or with rules. Special exercises also contribute to the development of attention in children aged 5 years. A large selection of similar tasks is presented on the Razumeikin website. Our specialists have developed a set of exercises for children aged 5-6 years, aimed at training various characteristics of attention. They will help kids develop the concentration skill that is so necessary in elementary school.

All tasks for developing attention in 6-year-old children contain interesting colorful pictures. For many of them, voiced text is provided. Educational games for attention for 5-year-old children are designed in such a way that the child can cope with them independently, without turning to parents for help. Having achieved certain results, kids receive a well-deserved reward.

To enhance the developmental effect, you can offer your child simple exercises yourself. Let's look at some of them.

Activities and games for attention for children 6 years old, which are easy to do on the street and at home

It has been proven that preschoolers focus most easily on visually perceived information. When choosing attention games for children 6 years old, it is important for parents to take this nuance into account. To develop the ability to concentrate, invite your child to collect autumn maple leaves and then look at one of them. After that, mix it with the rest. Ask your child to find the sheet he was looking at. This task for developing attention for 5-year-old children can be repeated with shells, pebbles, fruits, vegetables or any other objects that the preschooler himself finds.

Game exercises in which the child is required to look at a cloud and tell what it looks like will help develop imagination and the ability to concentrate. Experts are sure that it is useful to focus on various objects. First, you should consider familiar and interesting ones (for example, toys), and then move on to inconspicuous ones. For example, invite your child to focus on a regular tabletop and ask him to tell you what he noticed that was special. The ability to concentrate on sound signals is equally important. Ask your child to listen to sounds outside and at home, and then ask them to list them.

It is especially difficult for a 5-6 year old child to concentrate on the sensations of his own body. To develop this skill, have your child lie down, relax and feel how he breathes, swallows, etc.

If your child has learned to cope successfully with the above-described attention test games for 5-year-old children, you can introduce tasks to train noise immunity. They are considered the most difficult. For example, you can ask your child to listen to a story unknown to him, then let him look at a picture that has nothing to do with the text. After that, continue reading. And then ask the child to retell what he heard.

If you encounter any difficulties, you can seek advice from our specialists.

Games for the development of cognitive abilities of children of senior preschool age 5-7 years

Find a toy

We develop memory, attention, analytical skills

Description: you need to blindfold your child (or several children) and explain that now you will hide his toy, which he will then need to find. In this case, you do not hide the toy, but put it in the most visible place. When you open your baby's eyes, he should start searching. If several children participate in the game, the winner will be the participant who is the first to find the “hidden” toy.

Still life

We develop visual memory, attention, ability to concentrate, analytical skills

Description: sit at the table, place a tray on it and place all the items you have chosen on it. Within 1 minute, your child must remember the location of all objects. Then you remove all the items and invite him to arrange them in the same order himself.

Second option does not require actual playback. The tray is covered with a scarf, and your baby must describe in words the location of all the items. In this case, you can easily check the accuracy of his memory. In addition, this option helps expand vocabulary and speech development.

Third option This game is designed for the participation of a larger number of participants. In this case, all objects are passed around in a circle, and each participant must name one definition that characterizes this object. The last player must make the final guess as to what the item is. If he finds it difficult, then the other participants in the game should help him.

Each new circle should begin with a new person, so that the final decision is made by a new participant each time.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A tray or large plastic plate, 5-10 small items that can be placed on this tray.

Determine by touch

We develop memory, attention, observation, perception of the shape and quality of an object

Description: All items need to be laid out on the table. Give your child the opportunity to explore these objects for a few minutes; if he is very young, you can give him more time and give him the opportunity to play with these objects. Then you must blindfold him and make some changes in the arrangement of these objects. You can replace one object with another, you can swap them, etc. Your baby should detect all the changes and tell you about them.

Materials and visual aids for the game

10-15 different items, table.

Memory search

Developing memory, coordination, attention

Description: This game must be played in a room that is familiar to your child.

Place all selected toys on the floor. Tell your child that he needs to remember where the toys are now because he will have to find them all later with his eyes closed. Give 2-3 minutes to memorize. Then blindfold him, spin him around his axis several times and time the search time.

This game can be made more difficult. Firstly, you don’t have to show your child scattered toys, i.e. you first need to blindfold him, and only then scatter all the objects. Secondly, you can reduce search time. In this option, the room should be as safe as possible so that the child cannot get hurt.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Various items (soft toys, cubes, cars). It is advisable to prepare some kind of prize.


We develop speech, attention, ability to concentrate, thinking

Description: The essence of this game is to spell words in forward and reverse order. It can be carried out both in company and alone with your baby.

Materials and visual aids for the game

❧ It’s better to start this game with small words of 3-4 letters, gradually increasing the number of letters in the word. In parallel with the increase in the number of letters, you need to increase the speed of their pronunciation.

If your child already knows the alphabet, then you can practice saying it quickly - first forward, then backward.

"Verbal" artist

We develop memory, attention, speech, expand vocabulary, creative thinking

Description: the essence of this game is to describe a picture in words.

Invite your child to look at and remember the picture you chose. If you are playing this game for the first time, then you need to disassemble it together. Analyze it, understand what is happening on it, if possible, come up with a story. Then remove the picture and ask them to verbally reproduce from memory everything that is drawn on it.

Gradually your help should become minimal.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Painting or reproduction.

❧ For the first games, choose pictures with a clear plot content. Later you can use landscapes and still lifes.

You can add a creative element to this game if you ask your child to think of what could happen next in this picture and draw it.

Favorite cartoon

We develop memory, attention, creativity

Description: The essence of this game is to voice a familiar cartoon from memory.

First, you can watch the selected cartoon. It should not be very long (1-2 minutes). Ask your child to retell the content of this cartoon in as much detail as possible, preferably with exact quotation of the words of the main characters. If he finds it difficult, help him, ask leading questions, focus his attention on individual details.

Then turn on the cartoon again, but turn off the sound. All characters' lines will need to be spoken by the child himself. Explain to him that the main thing is not to miss the words of cartoon characters. If a child forgets lines, then you need to come up with them right away.

If the dubbing was not entirely successful the first time, you can repeat it by watching the cartoon again.

Materials and visual aids for the game

A cartoon that is well known to you and your child on videotape or DVD.

Retarding mirror

We develop attention, coordination, ability to concentrate

Description: First you need to select a leader. They can be either a child or an adult (for the first time it is better to choose one of the elders). The guys sit on chairs in one line. All the attention of each participant should be concentrated on his neighbor to the right.

The presenter sits down first and starts the game, showing some movement (for example, raising his left hand). Then this movement is repeated by his neighbor on the left, and so on in turn until the end of the chain. When the last participant demonstrates this movement, the presenter must already come up with the next one (for example, stand up and sit down). Each time the movements should become more complicated, and the pace of the game should speed up.

While playing, try to monitor your children's posture. They should sit up straight. They will immediately have a desire to spy on a new movement from the presenter. This is wrong, each child needs to wait until his neighbor performs this movement, and then repeat it on time and correctly.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Chairs, the number of which corresponds to the number of participants in the game.

mountain path

We develop attention, memory, ability to concentrate

Description: This game can be played by at least 2 players.

All participants are given sheets of paper and pencils. Everyone draws their own path. The main condition: it must consist of straight lines. The number of these lines may vary. You can start with 5 lines, gradually complicating them to 10-20.

After the guys have drawn their path, they need to split into pairs (if the number of players is more than 4). In each pair, a participant is selected who will be the first to start the game. This child (or adult), covering his drawing, must describe it in words: for example, the first line goes up, the second - to the left, the third - down, the fourth - to the left, the fifth - up). The second participant must memorize this drawing by ear.

If he doesn’t remember the first time, then you can repeat the description again. After this, he must recite the description of this path in reverse order.

After this task is completed, the guys change roles. Now the first participant remembers the path, and the second participant describes it.

Materials and visual aids for the game

2 sheets of paper, 2 pencils.

Logic puzzles

We develop attention, perseverance, accuracy, dedication, analytical skills

Description: This game can be played in two versions. Let's look at the first option first.

Give your child colored pencils and a blank sheet of paper. Invite him to draw some picture. When he completes this task, divide the drawing into equal parts (for example, 9 parts). Take scissors and invite your child to cut the picture himself. Make sure he uses the scissors correctly and doesn't get hurt.

Then invite him to rest, and at this moment write the text prepared in advance on the back of the elements of the picture - one sentence for each element. The sentences should be arranged so that the child, putting them into the correct text and turning them over, gets his picture.

The second option differs from the first in that the child does not draw the picture. You need to find it yourself. This could be an old coloring book or some illustrations.

Materials and visual aids for the game

Blank sheets of paper, colored pencils, scissors, a short story of several sentences, pictures.

Tasks for children aged 7-8 years should be aimed at the comprehensive development of their psychological processes: memory, attention, perception, imagination and thinking.

An important task of developmental classes is also to prepare the child for complex subjects of the school curriculum (for example, mathematics, reading, etc.)

Children 7-8 years old enjoy engaging in intellectual games

Mind games

Junior school age - features

Goal: development of visual perception, enrichment of the child’s ideas about color

For this lesson you will need a set of gouache paints in pure colors (red, yellow, blue, green). It is also desirable that the set contains black and white colors.

Color guessing game

You need to select several colors and use a palette to mix them together. The child’s task is to determine what colors this or that shade is made of, and then to get exactly the same one. If several people take part in the game, you can ask them to alternately create different shades of the same color. At the age of 7-8 years, such children also develop visual sensitivity well.

"Noisy boxes"

Goal: development of auditory perception

For this lesson you need to prepare two sets of identical boxes of six pieces each. Each of the boxes has a certain filler - it can be sand, small stones, various cereals. They are capable of making a variety of noises - from the quietest to the loudest. The child’s task is to listen to the noise of the box from the first set and match it with a similar one from the other, comparing them and offering to find a similar one. At the end of the game, each of the boxes must have its own pair.

Noise boxes can also be jars

"Make a Word"

Goal: we develop logic and literate thinking in children aged 7-8 years, as well as the skills of literal word perception. Logical thinking is also the basis for preparing a child for subjects such as mathematics, computer science, etc.

Letters are written on a piece of paper, from which the child will have to form a whole word. To do this, the scattered letters will need to be placed in the correct sequence.

Game Make a word from the given letters

For example:

  • h, a, c, a (vase);
  • s, a, p, o (dew);
  • k, o, r, y (lesson);

Goal: development of attention and counting skills. Expanding a child’s understanding of the alphabet

The child consistently names the letters of the alphabet and the numbers corresponding to them (for example, A1, B2, B3, G4, etc.). Classes for children of primary school age 7-8 years of this type can also be complicated by consistently calling only even and then only odd numbers. This will allow children to prepare for mental arithmetic - mathematics for 7-year-old children is one of the most difficult subjects.

Toy letters and numbers help with school learning

“Where are the toys hiding?”

Goal: development of space-time concepts

For the task, toys are placed around the room. The child’s task is to first find the hidden things, and then say where they are, indicating their location relative to other pieces of furniture and using the concepts “above”, “below”, “above”, “under”, “in”, “on”.

"Make a proposal"

Goal: development of forms of non-standard thinking

The child is offered sets of three words, from which he will need to make sentences. For younger children, you can offer simple words; An older child may have completely unrelated concepts at his disposal for a task. This activates his thinking, forcing him to think outside the box.

Game Make a sentence with these words

"Tell me what you remember"

Goal: development of memory, attention

The child receives a picture that depicts a large number of small objects. The task is to remember all the objects within a certain time and after some time answer questions based on the pictures.

Cards for memorizing images need to be shown for several minutes

"Count the objects"

Purpose: assignments serve to prepare the child for mastering the exact sciences (such as mathematics, computer science, etc.)

The parent shows the child an image on which a large number of different objects are drawn. The child’s task is to remember them, and then say what exactly was depicted in the picture and in what quantity.

Peculiarities of memory of younger schoolchildren

Moral education of a primary school student

While caring for the intellectual development of a child, we should not forget that moral development plays no less a role in his upbringing.

"The ABCs of Good Manners"

Goal: expanding the child’s ideas about good manners and moral qualities

The child is asked to remember all the “kind” words he knows, denoting positive human qualities, starting with a particular letter of the alphabet. For example, “A” is neat, “B” is cheerful, etc. After the entire alphabet has been worked out, the child can be invited to say these kind words to friends, family, etc. Or work out situations in which they can be used.

The game Good Manners is liked by all children


Goal: developing positive perceptions of others

The exercise is convenient to carry out in small groups of children. Participants stand in pairs opposite each other (if a small number of children are participating in the game, one can be brought forward). The task is to imagine the partner in the form of some object of art, to attribute unusual abilities or powers to him

Example: “If I painted you in a picture, you would be...”, “If I wrote you a song, it would be...”, “If you became a wizard, you would be...”.

Carousel game - for a group of children
  1. The development of a child at the age of 7-8 years is quite intensive. Therefore, it is very desirable that the tasks given to them affect not one specific function, but a whole complex (for example, attention and memory, thinking and perception). Thanks to this, even such difficult-to-understand subjects as mathematics, Russian, etc. will be much easier for the child.
  2. Since the child has not yet moved away from play as a leading activity, it is important to conduct classes in a relaxed environment that is as comfortable as possible for him.

Simple educational activities for children 7, 8, 9 years old that do not require special skills are very easy to do at home.

By organizing the child’s leisure time, they contribute in the best possible way to his comprehensive and comprehensive development. And school subjects - Russian language, reading, mathematics - will easily lend themselves to it in the future.