Quiz for Valentine's Day "It all starts with love." Quiz game dedicated to Valentine's Day with elements of developing fine motor skills

Quiz with answers for schoolchildren 14-15 years old for Valentine's Day

Author: Sudakov Kirill - a student of the Budgetary Social Service Institution of the Vologda Region for orphans and children left without parental care Cherepovets Children's Assistance Center "Our Children" 15 years.
Head: Yana Aleksandrovna Koshkina, teacher of the educational institution “Our Children”.
Description: The quiz introduces children to the history of Valentine's Day. Thanks to this quiz, children get to know the diversity of holiday celebrations in different countries of the world in a playful way. Instills in children an interest in the cultures of different countries.
introduce children to the holiday “Valentine’s Day”.
- Enrich Let children know about the history of the holiday.
- Develop oral speech.
- Cultivate children's interest in the cultures of different countries.
The correct answer to the quiz question is underlined.
1. The history of Valentine's Day dates back to...?
A) Ancient Rome;
B) Ancient Greece;
In London;

2. What was the name of the holiday in Ancient Rome in honor of the goddess of “feverish” love and the god Faun?
A) Lucretianius;
B) Lupercalia;
B) Luperandium;
3. Every year, on what date was the holiday called Lupercalia held?
A) February 14;
B) February 15;
B) February 10;

4. How is the word “Lupercalia” translated from Latin?
A) She-wolf;
B) Cow;
B) Duck;
5. “Valentine’s Day” has existed for more than how many centuries?
A) 16;
B) 17;
B) 19;

6) Who is the specific “culprit” of the Valentine’s Day holiday?
A) Christian priest Valentin;
B) pagan martyr Valentine;
C) Christian martyr Valentine;

7) According to legend, who was Valentine himself in love with?
A) the daughter of a priest;
B) the jailer's daughter;
B) a merchant's daughter;

8) In what year did the Pope declare February 14th Valentine's Day?
A) 496;
B) 497;
B) 498;
9) In Western Europe, Valentine's Day began to be widely celebrated since what century?
A) 13;
B) 12;
B) 18;

10) Name the exact year when Valentine's Day began to be widely celebrated in the United States?
A) 1778;
B) 1889;

11) What did Americans send to their brides on Valentine's Day?
A) marzipans;
B) lilies;
B) chocolate;
12) What was customary to give on Valentine's Day in Denmark?
A) chocolate;
B) dried white flowers;
B) hydrangeas;
13) What is the customary gift for the French on Valentine's Day?
A) jewelry;
B) violets;
B) marzipan;
14) In which country is Valentine's Day officially banned?
A) Saudi Arabia;
B) Australia;
B) Spain;
15) What was the name of a holiday similar to Valentine’s Day in Rus'?
A) Day of Peter and Fevronia;
B) Day of Vasilisa the Wise;
B) Trinity Day;
16) What is the tradition in Japan on Valentine's Day?
A) give sweets;
B) get up before sunrise;
C) give lilies;

17) What are the names of the most popular cards after Christmas in the USA?
A) valentines;
B) Happy Birthday cards;
C) postcards for March 8;
18) In Japan, since the 30s of what century, Valentine's Day has been celebrated?
A) 20th century;
B) 17th century;
B) 10th century;

19. In which country was it very fashionable to give valentines on Valentine's Day in the 19th century?
A) Great Britain;
B) Estonia;
B) France;
20. According to statistics, who makes up the bulk of buyers on Valentine's Day?
A) youth;
B) middle-aged people;
B) children;

The most important feeling on earth is love. Love for man, for the Motherland, for nature, for the world. Without love, our world would be a much poorer place. True love doesn't come halfway. If you love, then with all your soul, with all your heart. On February 14, on Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day), I would like to wish everyone love, kindness, and peace.

The Valentine's Day (February 14) quiz for children contains 14 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz creator: Iris Review

1. What is a symbol of love?
Heart +

2. When did they start celebrating Valentine's Day in Russia?
Since the beginning of the 90s of the XX century +
In the 19th century
In the 21st century

3. On Valentine's Day it is customary to:
Confess your love +
Exchange touching gifts and valentines +
Count the stars in the sky

4. What fairy tales talk about love?
"The Little Mermaid" by H.-H. Andersen
“The Scarlet Flower” by S.T. Aksakov
“The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin

5. Without what item does a person in love not flirt?
Without gingerbread +
Without kalach
Without a bagel

6. What fruit did the boy Grisha bring to the bride from A.P. Chekhov’s story “The Cook Gets Married”?
Apple +

7. What color were valentines in the early years of the February 14th celebration?
Red +

8. What is the name of the story about the love of I.S. Turgenev, the main character of which is Princess Zinaida?
"About love"
"First Love" +
"Dreams of Love"

9. Whom did Varvara the beautiful long braid fall in love with in the fairy tale film of the same name by A. Rowe?
Fisherman's son Andrey +
The carpenter's son Elisha
Emelya, who slept on the stove

10. What is the name of the game in which everyone stands in pairs and holds hands, raising them up, forming a corridor. The one who didn’t get a pair walks down the corridor and picks it up for himself.
Brook +

11. What is the name of the film about youthful love, filmed in 1980 by director Ilya Frez based on the story of the same name by Galina Shcherbakova?
“You can’t make it up on purpose”
“You never dreamed of it” +

12. What is the type of poem “Tili-tili dough, Bride and Groom...”?
tease +
Nursery rhyme

13. When is the Day of Married Love and Family Happiness celebrated in Russia (as approved by the Federation Council)?
The 14th of February
July 8 +
5th of December

The Valentine's Day quiz will plunge us into a sea of ​​love! The sea is happy, reverent. Love, like the sea, is majestic.

All quiz questions have been answered.

1. Which lovers have no rivals?

2. Which vegetable withers when love passes?
Answer: tomato (“love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted”)

3. What kind of card do you give for Valentine's Day?
Answer: valentine

4. What is the name of the Soviet feature film in which two young people enter into the following agreement - using auto-training to fall in love with each other?
Answer:"In love by choice"

5. Until what solemn event associated with lovers will the wound heal?
Answer: before the wedding (“it will heal before the wedding”)

6. What is the name of the guy from the famous song by Igor Nikolaev, who will definitely sing with a guitar for his beloved?
Answer: Pashka's pet

7. How many songs are written about love?
Answer:“A lot of songs have been written about love, I’ll sing for you, I’ll sing another one” (lines from the song “Why is the heart so disturbed?”

8. What words about a bright feeling does not the old soldier know?
Answer:“I am an old soldier, and I don’t know the words of love” (quote from the movie “Hello, I’m your aunt!”)

9. What did the lovers do “in the golden, golden” boat?
Answer:"We rode on a boat,
Golden, golden, -
They didn’t row, they kissed..."
(lyrics of the song by A. Mashistov)

10. What is the name of love that arose from the first meeting?
Answer: love at first sight

11. What was the name of the young lady, A.S. Pushkin’s first love?
Answer: Ekaterina Pavlovna Bakunina. She was the sister of Pushkin's comrade, Alexander Bakunin (both were students of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum)

12. Who wrote the immortal lines “All ages are submissive to love”?
Answer: A.S. Pushkin

13. What was the name of the dancer whom Sergei Yesenin loved?
Answer: Isadora Duncan

14. Which people’s proverb is given below?
« He who rules people with love is like the northern star: it rests motionless and majestic, while all the other stars reverently revolve around».
Answer: Chinese proverb

Choose the correct answer:

What phrase do we use when we talk about the courtship period?
Spin love +
Twirl love
Spin love

On which flower do we guess “loves or dislikes”?
On a rose
On chamomile +
On a tulip

How do we talk about forgiving love?
Timid love
Blind love +
Sweet love

What don't you do with love?
They're joking +(they don't joke with love)
They'll make jokes

How do we say: the one or the one to whom one is attracted is...?
Thing of love
Object of love +
Product of love

Continue the proverb: “You love a rose...”
...so buy it
...so plant it in the garden
...so bear with the thorns +


The 14th of February the whole Christian world celebrates Valentine's Day- patron of all lovers. This is the most romantic holiday when everyone confesses their love to each other and gives sweet gifts and valentines to their beloved ones.

For more than 18 centuries, there has been a holiday for all lovers.

According to one version, this holiday dates back to the Roman holiday Lupercalia - festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of “feverish” love Juno Februata. Everyone stopped what they were doing and the fun began. The holiday was overgrown with rituals. The purpose of the holiday was to find one's soul mate and, as a result, after the celebration of the holiday, a large number of families were created.

According to other sources, the Lupercalia holiday was held in honor of the god Faun (Luperc is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of flocks, which was celebrated annually on February 15. And it was a festival of abundance. The day before Lupercalia was celebrated holiday of the Roman goddess of marriage, motherhood and women Juno and the god Pan. On this day, the girls wrote love letters. The letters were placed in a huge urn and then the men pulled the letters. Then each man began to court the girl whose love letter he pulled out.

In ancient Greece this holiday was called Panurgy - ritual games in honor of the god Pan (in the Roman tradition - Faun) - the patron saint of herds, forests, fields and their fertility. Pan is a merry fellow and a rake, plays the flute beautifully and always pursues the nymphs with his love.

According to some sources, Valentine's Day was once called the “Bird Wedding.” Previously, it was believed that birds formed mating pairs in the second week of the second month of the year.

It is also believed that the day of honoring St. Valentine coincides with the ancient Roman tradition of fortune telling during New Year's celebrations, since according to the Roman calendar, the new year began in mid-February.

Court chronicler of the English court Samuel Pepys at the end of the 17th century. made a note that on February 14 lovers can exchange souvenirs: gloves, rings and candies.

So it happened that a gift for Valentine's Day must include some kind of heart-shaped sweets: cake, candy, cookies, pastries, chocolate.

In Western Europe, Valentine's Day has been celebrated since the 13th century, in the USA since 1777. Now we have one more holiday, although Rus' had its own Valentine's Day. It was celebrated on the eighth of July and was associated with the legendary love story of Peter and Fevronia.

Valentine's Day Traditions

Gradually, the holiday of St. Valentine acquired its own rituals and traditions, some of which have survived to this day. And in every country they are different.

It was very popular in all countries on this day arrange weddings and get married. Some say that on this day a woman can approach a man she likes and politely ask him to marry her. If he is not ready for such a decisive step, then he should thank for the honor and give the woman a silk dress, and himself a silk cord with a heart strung on it.

In some countries, lovers give clothes to unmarried women. If the girl accepted the gift, it means that she agrees to marry this person.

There is a belief according to which the first man a girl meets on February 14 should be her Valentine, regardless of his wishes. Some people believed that if a girl saw a robin on Valentine's Day, she would marry a sailor; if she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be happy with him; if she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire.

In medieval England There was a widespread custom: to choose a “Valentine”. Several young people got together, wrote the names of the girls on pieces of parchment, put them in a hat and drew lots. The girl whose name fell to the young man became his “Valentina” for a whole year, and he became her “Valentine”. “Valentin” composed sonnets for his girlfriend, played the lute for her, accompanied her everywhere, in a word, behaved like a real knight.

There was also a custom of dressing up children as adults. Children went from house to house and sang songs about St. Valentine.

A these days the English Happy Valentine's Day not only to people, but also to beloved animals, for example, horses or dogs. In Wales, wooden “love spoons” were carved and given to loved ones on February 14th. The spoons were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which meant “you found the way to my heart.”

At the beginning of the last century, Americans On Valentine's Day they began to send marzipan to their brides. But marzipan contained sugar, which was very expensive at that time. This tradition really gained momentum after sugar beets began to be widely used in 1800. The Americans urgently set up caramel production on the continent and began scratching words corresponding to the holiday on the candies. The caramels were made red and white. Red meant passion, and white meant purity of love. In the 50s, sweets began to be placed in heart-shaped cardboard boxes.

In Japan began to celebrate St. Valentine in the 30s of our century. The tradition started not on its own, but at the instigation of one large chocolate manufacturing company. Chocolate is still the most common gift on this day. And in our time, the Japanese have turned Valentine's Day into “March 8th for men.” On this day, gifts in Japan are given mainly to men. And it is customary to give all kinds of men's accessories (razors, lotions, wallets, etc.). And on this day there is an event called "The loudest love confession"- boys and girls climb onto the platform and take turns shouting declarations of love with all their might.

The French It is customary to give jewelry on Valentine's Day. And the gallant French were the first to introduce “Valentines” as love letters in quatrains.

Calm Poles On this day they prefer to visit the Poznan metropolis, where, according to legend, the relics of St. Valentine rest, and above the main altar is his miraculous icon. Poles believe that pilgrimage to her helps in matters of love.

Carefree Italians Valentine's Day is celebrated in a very different way. They consider it their duty to give gifts to their beloved, mainly sweets.

In Italy this day is called “sweet”.

Conservative Germans However, Valentine is stubbornly considered the patron saint of the mentally ill and on this day they decorate psychiatric hospitals with scarlet ribbons, and special services are held in chapels.

This holiday came to Russia and Belarus, as well as to other CIS countries, in the early 90s and soon outgrew the framework of a Catholic holiday, becoming truly popular and beloved.

Although, it should be noted that Rus' had its own Valentine's Day. It was celebrated on July 8 and was associated with the legendary love story of Peter and Fevronia.

The customs of different nations are different. But the essence is the same.

Love is always wonderful, it's always a holiday! May this holiday be with you not only on Valentine’s Day, but every day of your life!

"It all starts with love..."

The most important feeling on earth is love. Love for the Motherland, for people, for nature, for the world. Without love, our world would be a much poorer place. True love doesn't come halfway. If you love, then with all your heart, with all your soul. On February 14 we celebrate an ancient holiday, an unusual, funny holiday and its name is Valentine's Day. In other words – Day of Love. On this day we can openly talk about love, celebrate and glorify it. Love is a feeling that elevates and inspires. Look for love, appreciate it, treasure it. I would like to wish everyone love, kindness and peace.

It all starts with love:

And inspiration, and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child -

It all starts with love.

Spring will whisper to you: live!

And you will sway from the whisper,

And you will straighten up and wake up,

It all starts with love!..

Today we are holding a quiz for the holiday of all lovers - Valentine's Day for 9th graders. It contains 20 questions. For each question you will be offered 3 answer options. For each correct answer you will be awarded points.

    What is a symbol of love?




    How do they say it?

Love is ridiculous

Love is blind

Love is fierce

    What flower is used to tell fortunes about love?

On a rose

On chamomile

On the lily

4. Which of the following is a symbollove?

Ariadne's thread

Sword of Damocles

Cupid's arrow .

5. Which white birds are considered a symbol of faithfulness?love?

Swans .



6. What shape does a valentine resemble?




7. If a relationship begins between people, then it is customary to say that it is




8. From love you can...

Lose your head

Hack yourself on your nose

Play not to your advantage

9. What is the name of the game in which everyone stands in pairs and holds hands, raising them up, forming a corridor. The one who does not have a partner walks along the corridor and picks one up for himself.




10. What is the genre of the poem?

"Tili-tili dough,

Bride and groom…"



Nursery rhyme

11. When did they start celebrating Valentine's Day in Russia?

Since the early 90s XX century



12. Which city is called the city of all lovers?


Abu Dali


S. A. Yesenin

R.I. Christmas

M. I. Tsvetaeva

14. What is the name of the love story of I. S. Turgenev, whose main character is Princess Zinaida?


"First love"

"Dreams of Love"»

15. When is the Day of Married Love and Family Happiness celebrated in Russia (as approved by the Federation Council)?

16. The goddess of love and beauty in Greek mythology is...?




17. What is customary to give for Valentine's Day in France??




18. In Denmark, lovers don’t send each other valentines on Valentine’s Day, huh?


Invitation to the registry office

Dried white flowers

19. Once upon a time, Valentine's Day was called this way:

Bird wedding

Ostrich wedding

Dog wedding

20. In which modern country is Valentine’s Day not celebrated and, moreover, is this holiday banned?



Saudi Arabia