How long does it take for an umbilical wound to heal? How long does it take for a newborn’s belly button to heal and how to survive this time without complications

When a baby is born, doctors cut the umbilical cord. The procedure for cutting the umbilical cord and tying it is painless. Bandage it anywhere. Usually the distance to the umbilical ring is 2 cm - at this distance a knot is made with silk thread. Doctors talk with the woman in labor: they explain how the umbilical wound heals in newborns and what proper care for children should be. It is important for mothers (especially first-time mothers) to know what can cause the navel to take a long time to heal.

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to heal?

Processing of the umbilical cord begins in the maternity hospital. The initial process consists of lubricating the wound with brilliant green and cauterizing the umbilical cord with alcohol. After discharge from the hospital, further care is provided by the parents. In the first days of life, the wound must be cauterized with brilliant green or iodine until the umbilical cord falls off on its own. Day by day, the umbilical wound becomes drier.

How long should a newborn's belly button take to heal? Healing time depends on immunity, the size of the navel, and also how proper the care was. After 21-30 days, the newborn’s navel should heal completely.

How long does it take for a newborn's belly button to fall off? Wound healing occurs in several stages:

  1. from 3 to 5 days the umbilical cord looks like a small nodule;
  2. with proper care, after 5-7 days the umbilical wound is epithelialized;
  3. from a medical point of view, the wound is considered quite deep, so it heals in 1-3 weeks. During this period, moderate bleeding is observed, so there is no point in parents being in a panic - this condition of the navel is considered normal;
  4. Final healing of the umbilical wound in newborns occurs after 3-4 weeks.

Any mother can avoid navel problems in a newborn. There will be effective advice to help her, with the help of which the navel will quickly heal, and complications will be behind.

What does a healed navel look like in a newborn photo?

  • After the baby is born, the wound is wiped with hydrogen peroxide as many times as it takes for it to stop bleeding. The best option would be to apply a cotton pad soaked in peroxide to the umbilical residue;
  • at the second stage, the formation of a yellow crust can be observed. To avoid the entry of germs, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide;
  • the navel should always be kept clean;
  • It is advisable to treat the wound before bedtime, after bathing. Once a day is enough. It is not advisable to disturb the wound unnecessarily. The exception is the large navel. It is processed 2-3 times a day;
  • during the healing of the umbilical remnant, the child should be bathed in a baby bath, adding potassium permanganate; the temperature of boiled water is 36-37 degrees;
  • make it a rule to ventilate the room;
  • ensure that the navel is always dry and exclude moisture;
  • The child should not feel uncomfortable because diapers or clothes rub. Otherwise, the umbilical wound will be damaged: redness may form.

The navel heals poorly in newborns

When treating a baby’s umbilical wound according to the rules described above, some complications may arise: severe bleeding, suppuration.

The reasons for poor healing may be the following:

  • The baby has a large navel. Babies' belly buttons may differ from each other. For example, if the placenta was thickened, then the baby's navel is larger. Accordingly, the healing process is delayed. It will dry without fail, but more slowly;
  • There are cases when the wound heals slowly, and on top of that, protrusion of the navel is observed. This alarm signal indicates the manifestation of an umbilical hernia. It is forbidden for the mother to take any action on her own. The child needs to be examined by a pediatrician;
  • Due to suppuration of the wound, there is a possibility of infection. Accompanied by an unpleasant odor and yellow discharge. The navel is constantly wet.

Cancer healing navel in a newborn photo

Not all babies are born healthy and strong. It is possible that a child may be born with a weak immune system, which means he will be exposed to various microbes and infections. For a weakened body, it is difficult for mom and dad to solve such a problem. We'll have to contact the doctors. A competent examination by a pediatrician will provide the correct medication treatment.

The mother's inattention during the treatment of the navel will lead to a long healing time. All parents are different. There are those that blow away dust particles from the baby, and vice versa, hygiene for mothers is not so important. All two cases are bad. Clean parents, carefully cleaning the umbilical wound, can harm the thin skin.

If hygiene is not observed, there is a possibility of dirt being introduced and infection developing. There can be no talk of quick healing. Independent removal of a foreign body is prohibited; you should consult a doctor in a timely manner;

What parents should do if the umbilical wound is bleeding

Despite proper care of the navel, it is quite possible for it to bleed. You can observe it when the crust is accidentally torn off. Usually a few drops of blood are released, but this problem cannot be left unresolved. Severe bleeding indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the navel vessels.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Article last updated: 04/18/2019

Even in the womb, the child was connected to his mother with the help of an umbilical cord. It transferred nutrients and necessary oxygen from the placenta to the baby. As soon as the baby is born, his umbilical cord is immediately cut. To do this, the doctor first places a clothespin on it, and only then carefully trims it. The clothespin usually stays on the navel for no more than a week. Then it disappears, leaving an open wound that needs to be properly cared for, taking all necessary measures. This is necessary so that the infection does not get there and the inflammatory process does not begin. And how long the navel will heal depends on the care and treatment.

How the navel is treated in the maternity hospital

While still in the delivery room, the newborn's navel is carefully processed. Initially, the doctor cuts the umbilical cord, leaving only two centimeters of it. Next, the end of the umbilical cord is clamped with a clothespin. It can be plastic or metal.

Some maternity hospitals use an open navel healing method. this means that no bandages are applied to it. Simply, the umbilical residue is treated and disinfected 2-3 times a day with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of potassium permanganate. The clothespin on the belly button does not last long. After five to seven days, the umbilical remnant dries up and it falls off along with it.

Other maternity hospitals use a surgical method to heal the umbilical wound. The day after birth, the baby's unnecessary umbilical remnant is cut off using sterile scissors. After this, apply a tight bandage for two to three hours. Then it is loosened and usually removed only the next day. With this method, the wound takes much less time to heal.

What you need to care for your umbilical cord

  1. Three percent hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. Regular greenery.
  3. Napkins.
  4. Cotton buds.

How to properly care for a newborn's belly button

A newborn's navel should always be clean and as dry as possible. Failure to follow these rules may result in the navel taking too long to heal, or an inflammatory process may develop in it.

You need to treat your navel two to three times a day. This can be done when changing a diaper, or before bed. Be sure to perform baby hygiene after bathing. Due to the open wound on the navel, it is recommended to bathe the newborn in boiled water. Care for the umbilical wound must be carried out every day until it is completely healed.

There are three stages that need to be followed in order for the belly button to heal as quickly as possible.

  1. At first after birth, the baby's navel may bleed. It must be wiped with hydrogen peroxide as many times as it bleeds. It is advisable to moisten a cotton pad with the solution and apply it to the wound for a few minutes.
  2. The second stage of healing is characterized by the formation of a crust on the navel. It has a yellowish tint and promotes the development of microbes. Therefore, the crust must be moistened with hydrogen peroxide every day and cleaned with a cotton swab. To do this, you need to slightly push the navel wound apart with your fingers. This way, the peroxide solution will neutralize the area and help remove soggy crust particles. The navel should always be as clean as possible.
  3. Once you have cleaned and decontaminated the belly button crust, you need to give it time to dry completely. Next, the wound should be filled with brilliant green.

In addition, try to ventilate the room often. And also give the newborn air baths so that his skin can breathe. This procedure perfectly helps to tighten the wound on the navel, but it will also help avoid unwanted diaper rash, which causes discomfort to babies.

Under no circumstances should a child be dressed in clothes made from artificial fabrics. It can cause irritation and even a rash on the skin. And things made from natural fabrics are not only considered hypoallergenic, but also provide the skin surface with the necessary ventilation.

How to bathe a newborn with an unhealed umbilical wound

Today, doctors are divided on whether it is worth bathing a child with an unhealed navel. Many are of the opinion that water is a source of infection, which is why it is better not to bathe a newborn in the first month. Others believe that water helps wounds heal quickly.

In any case, if you decide to bathe your baby, then you should adhere to several rules.

  1. Firstly, there is no need to bathe your baby in a large bathtub. For water procedures for a newborn, you should use a small baby bath.
  2. Secondly, water must be boiled to prevent the occurrence of contamination and infections.
  3. Thirdly, you need to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the bath.

As soon as the baby has been bathed, it is necessary to give time for the navel to dry and only then perform navel care procedures.

Umbilical ring

Is handling a newborn's belly button a concern? Information from the article will help a young mother to be more confident in herself.

Treating the umbilical wound is the first mandatory procedure that a young mother must learn to perform while still in the maternity hospital. For some women, it causes fear and uncertainty, because the newborn is still so small and fragile.

There is no need to panic and get lost; usually, there is nothing difficult in manipulating the navel. If it happens that the umbilical wound begins to bleed or become wet, together with the pediatrician it will definitely be possible to solve this emergency situation.

What does a newborn's belly button look like?

During pregnancy, the organisms of the fetus and mother are inextricably linked by the umbilical cord. Through this smooth and elastic cord, 50-70 cm in length, the child breathes and feeds.

At the time of birth, the umbilical cord consists of:

  • umbilical arteries (there are two of these vessels)
  • umbilical vein (it is through it that blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients enters the fetus)
  • Wharton's jelly (its function is to protect the umbilical vessels)

Even during the process of childbirth, under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, to which Wharton’s jelly reacts, the umbilical vessels narrow, and umbilical cord atrophy begins.

But when the baby is born, the functions of the placenta are not yet lost, the umbilical cord pulsates, and the baby still breathes through it and receives the remaining nutrients. For some time, seconds or minutes, the newborn is in so-called double breathing - he receives oxygen through the umbilical cord and through his own respiratory organs.

IMPORTANT: Doctors are engaged in heated debates about when it is best to cut the umbilical cord, finally separating the child’s body from the mother’s. Some believe that this should be done immediately after birth, others - at the moment when the umbilical vessels stop pulsating. Each side has its own arguments. But in both cases the process is carried out in the same sequence

Following the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, the doctor places a special clamp on the placenta at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the newborn’s tummy, after which he cuts the umbilical cord. The remaining umbilical cord is first treated with alcohol in the delivery room.

A small tail remains on the baby’s tummy, which will soon atrophy, dry out and fall off. And if the mother is able to provide the umbilical wound with proper care, the baby will have a neat navel in the future.

VIDEO: Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

When does a newborn's belly button fall off?

In childhood, the end of the umbilical cord (stump) falls off 2–14 days after the birth of the child. This should happen spontaneously.

IMPORTANT: Previously, women stayed in maternity hospitals for 7-8 days, or until the umbilical stump fell off. It is no secret that doctors often “facilitated” this event by removing the remnants of the umbilical cord with scissors or a scalpel. By such actions they endangered the baby's health.

Under no circumstances should the umbilical cord fall off:

  1. If this happens until the vessels are completely mummified, the navel in the form of an open wound will become the “entrance door” for all kinds of infections to enter the baby’s body
  2. There are cases when intestinal rings get into the umbilical cord. You don’t have to talk about the consequences that will happen if you cut it off

Today, young mothers and newborns, if everything is fine with them, are discharged on the third day after birth. Therefore, in most cases, the umbilical stump in babies falls off at home.

Before discharge, the nursing staff should instruct the woman about how to care for her newborn's umbilicus. The pediatrician or visiting nurse, who will visit her at home in the first days, should tell her about this.

IMPORTANT: Before the baby end of the umbilical cord falls off, it is better to put him on special diapers for newborns with a cutout for the navel

When does a newborn's belly button heal?

Normally, a child's umbilical wound should heal 2-3 weeks after the stump falls off, or by the end of the first month of life.

How many times should I treat a newborn's navel? How to properly treat a newborn's navel?

The rules for caring for the umbilical wound and the manipulations that promote its healing are simple. Young mothers master them very quickly, bringing their actions to automaticity.

Navel treatment is a daily procedure for a baby in the first month of his life.

So, in order for the baby’s umbilical wound to heal safely and quickly, parents should:

IMPORTANT: If the mother notices that the baby’s belly button is taking too long to heal, it is inflamed or bleeding, or lumps have appeared in its area, you need to call a pediatrician

Why does a newborn's belly button bleed? What to do?

If the baby’s belly button bleeds a little during the first few days after the stump falls off, there is nothing to worry about. The natural healing process of the wound occurs. If it continues to bleed after 7 days or longer, this is a pathological condition, formed due to the following reasons:

  1. Thick placenta and umbilical cord. In this case, healing occurs more slowly
  2. Mechanical damage. The crust on the umbilical ring can be removed due to negligence while changing clothes, bathing, or treating the navel. The baby himself can rip it off while lying on his tummy. The crust can also come off due to friction with the diaper.
  3. The umbilical wound became infected. The mother should be alerted to the unpleasant smell of ichor coming out of the navel, the presence of purulent discharge, redness and hyperemia of the skin around the umbilical ring, an increase in the baby’s temperature, and a general deterioration in his condition. The baby may have purulent omphalitis - infectious inflammation of the bottom of the umbilical wound

Pus in a baby's navel is a sign of infection.
  1. Umbilical hernia. A sure sign of it is that during crying, coughing, and other physical exertion, the baby’s navel protrudes and grows to the size of a walnut.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes, in order for the navel to stop bleeding, it is enough for the mother to change the tactics of caring for it. But there are times when a child needs qualified medical care. Therefore, if blood is released from the umbilical wound for longer than 5-7 days, the baby should be shown to a doctor

Why does a newborn's navel get wet? What to do?

  • If there is serous discharge from the umbilical wound, it is said that the baby’s navel is getting wet
  • This can happen for the same reasons why the wound at the site of the fallen umbilical stump bleeds
  • A weeping navel must also be treated, otherwise serous discharge will create a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms that cause disease

How to smear the navel of a newborn?

The pharmacy has a lot of products for treating a newborn’s navel. For preventive purposes the following is used:

  • brilliant green solution
  • potassium permanganate
  • decoction of string

Zelenka is a classic remedy for treating the navel.

To prevent the umbilical wound from bleeding due to infection, use:

  • chlorophyllipt solution
  • ethyl alcohol
  • local antibiotic baneocin
  • other medications prescribed by your doctor
Chlorophyllipt is an antiseptic for treating the umbilical wound.

VIDEO: What is the best way to treat a newborn's belly button? — Dr. Komarovsky

In the womb, the baby is connected to the mother by a special formation - the umbilical cord. Its significance for the baby’s intrauterine life is enormous. But at the moment the baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut. And this education no longer binds mother and baby, but requires constant care. Because after the umbilical cord is cut, an umbilical wound remains, which, without proper treatment, can become inflamed and fester. Therefore, young mothers often ask the same question - how long does it take for a newborn’s navel to heal, when and how should the umbilical wound be treated? To answer these questions, you just need to familiarize yourself with the tips and recommendations below.

Treatment of the umbilical wound in the maternity hospital

While the baby is still with the mother in the delivery room, the umbilical cord remains undergo additional processing. As a result, only a 2-3 centimeter section remains of the long umbilical cord, which is “bandaged” with a special clamp. However, this is not done in all maternity hospitals. Some specialists practice an open method of umbilical cord management. With this method, the umbilical wound is treated with antiseptic solutions, which include potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and hydrogen peroxide. In a situation where a clamp is used, the baby's navel is also treated. But until the belly button falls off, the child is not discharged home. Sometimes the delay in returning home occurs due to the fact that the umbilical cord is initially thick and does not fall off for a long time (does not dry out). But, as a rule, even in this case, the umbilical cord in newborns falls off on days 7-9.

In addition to the above methods, another tactic for managing the umbilical cord remains is practiced - surgical cutting. It is performed on the second day by cutting off the umbilical process with scissors or a blade. In this case, the healing of the umbilical wound is much faster. After cutting off, the umbilical wound is closed with a pressure bandage, and if newborns do not experience bleeding, it is removed the next day.

The umbilical wound does not take as long to heal as it might seem at first glance. With proper treatment, the wound becomes covered with a hemorrhagic crust, and after a couple of weeks it becomes a place with normal skin.

If a child has a light discharge from the wound, the treatment is carried out not only in the morning, but also in the evening.

Homemade navel treatment

After discharge, if it is on time, the doctor will recommend daily treatment of the umbilical wound for 7-10 days. This will need to be done immediately after swimming. At home, parents are advised to use hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green. You can also use an alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, which should be applied exclusively to the wound, since there is a risk of burning the baby’s skin in the navel area. Sometimes you may notice that the crust on the wound begins to gradually peel off. This indicates that the process of treating a newborn’s navel can soon be completed. When the crust begins to stick, as they say, “by a thread,” it can be removed. It is best to do this after bathing, as it will soften a little and can be easily removed with a cotton swab. If the crust is still tightly seated, then it cannot be forcibly torn off, since there is a risk of bleeding and infection.

If the baby’s navel does not heal for a long time, and there is discharge in the form of blood with pus, you should immediately consult a specialist. In some cases, the doctor recommends cauterizing the navel with iodine. Only a person with medical training can do this, since iodine can burn the baby’s skin.

Today, some maternity hospitals discharge babies 3 days after birth. In this case, it is almost certain that your baby will arrive home with the umbilical cord still intact. There is no need to worry about this, since caring for the navel is carried out according to the principle described above. There are no restrictions on bathing the baby either. As with the umbilical wound, the baby can be bathed on the day of discharge. Just don’t forget about the rules for bathing a baby in the first days of life:

  1. It is better to use boiled water.
  2. The water temperature should be no higher than 37 and no lower than 36 degrees.
  3. Until the navel has healed, it is recommended to add a solution of potassium permanganate to the water (crystals of potassium permanganate are diluted in a separate container and gradually poured into the bath until light pink water forms).

What is forbidden to do with the navel

Sometimes young mothers, after discharge, forget about safety, because they no longer have control over them in the form of a pediatric nurse. And then they make a number of mistakes when treating the umbilical wound, which can lead not only to long healing, but also to purulent omphalitis. This disease is nothing more than inflammation of the tissue near the umbilical wound. To prevent this, it is worth remembering that you cannot:

  • forget about daily treatment of the navel;
  • turn a blind eye to discharge from the wound;
  • bathe the baby without potassium permanganate;
  • cover the wound with a plaster;
  • cover the navel with a diaper.

Many mothers feel confident and calm while in the maternity hospital. But once you get home, left alone with your baby, you are afraid to even touch the umbilical wound. You shouldn’t do this, because the well-being of the baby depends on the quality of your care. Don’t be afraid to part the skin near the navel if you need to clean out any discharge from there and thoroughly lubricate the wound with brilliant green. This procedure will not bring unbearable painful sensations to the baby; the most he can feel is slight discomfort.

The baby's well-being largely depends on how parents take care of his hygiene. How to carry out these procedures correctly?

Until the moment of birth, the baby and his mother are connected by a special formation, which is called the umbilical cord. Its significance for the intrauterine life of the fetus is enormous. But the child was born and the umbilical cord was cut. To speed up the healing of the umbilical wound and minimize the risk of infection, proper care is necessary.

The umbilical cord is a combination of three blood vessels - a vein (through which arterial, oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood flows from the placenta to the fetus) and two arteries through which “waste” venous blood flows in the opposite direction - from the fetus to the mother. These vessels are surrounded by a gelatinous substance that prevents possible damage.

After the birth of a child, the need for connection between mother and baby through the umbilical cord disappears. The child acquires the ability to breathe independently, receive nutrition in the form of mother's milk, and excrete unnecessary substances through the kidneys and intestines. Therefore, almost immediately after the baby is removed, a special clamp is applied to the umbilical cord and it is cut. Blood flow through the umbilical vessels stops.

Navel treatment in the maternity hospital

While the baby and mother are in the delivery room, the remainder of the umbilical cord is further processed. As a result, only a small section of about 2 cm long remains from the umbilical cord. A plastic or, less commonly, metal clamp is placed on the remainder of the umbilical cord.

Some maternity hospitals now use an open method of managing the umbilical cord. This means that a bandage is not applied to it, just every day before the baby and mother are discharged from the maternity hospital, the umbilical cord remnant (and after it falls off, the wound) is treated with antiseptic solutions (usually hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate - the so-called “potassium permanganate”) .

Every day, the umbilical cord remnant above the bracket becomes drier, in other words, it mummifies. Daily treatment of the umbilical cord remnant also helps to dry it out. As a result, on the fourth or fifth day, in most babies, the umbilical cord looks like a section of dry, dense, non-living tissue. Soon, along with the clamp, this fabric “falls off.” A wound remains, which is called the umbilical wound. In babies with an initially “thicker” umbilical cord, the remainder of it can dry out for quite a long time, for 6-7 or even more days.

Many maternity hospitals have adopted a different tactic for managing the umbilical cord, when it is usually cut off on the second day with a blade or sterile scissors. With surgical cutting, the healing of the umbilical wound proceeds faster. To prevent bleeding, apply a pressure bandage to the wound, which is usually loosened after 1-2 hours and removed the next day during treatment of the umbilical wound.

Some babies have a so-called “cutaneous” navel. With it, the skin, moving from the anterior abdominal wall, covers the area of ​​the umbilical cord, and the impression of a “long” navel is created. It should be noted that after the umbilical cord falls off or is removed, the tissues of such a navel are retracted and, as a rule, the umbilical area is no different from the usual one.

The umbilical wound gradually heals, becoming covered with a hemorrhagic (dense “bloody”) crust. If the child continues to be in the maternity hospital at this time, then the umbilical wound is treated in the same way as before the umbilical cord remnant - once a day. If the umbilical wound is wide and there is possible light urinary discharge, the doctor may prescribe more frequent treatment. As with any wound, the hemorrhagic crust that forms on the umbilical wound gradually disappears. If healing proceeds well, then after the thick crust falls off there is no discharge from the wound. Sometimes, when a large crust falls off (this happens with a wide umbilical wound), droplets of blood may be released, and the wound “touches up”. Usually in such cases, additional (2-3 times a day) treatment with solutions of hydrogen peroxide and potassium permanganate, and sometimes a special hemostatic (hemostatic) sponge, which in most cases is enough to be applied to the wound once, is sufficient.

How to care for your belly button at home

At home, the umbilical wound is treated for 7-10 days until it is completely healed, once a day after bathing. If the umbilical cord was surgically removed in the maternity hospital, it may take less time to treat the wound at home. Sometimes, for example, when a crust forms slowly or there is a slight discharge from it (“wetting”), it is recommended to treat the wound twice a day or even more often. The wound is lubricated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green - “brilliant green”. "Zelenka" at home is preferable compared to, for example, "potassium permanganate" due to the absence of the need to prepare this solution. It is sold in any pharmacy.

A 1% alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt, containing a mixture of chlorophylls obtained from eucalyptus leaves, may also be suitable for treating the umbilical wound. This solution is colorless, which makes it possible to identify signs of inflammation, since the wound is not painted over.

To avoid unnecessary trauma to the skin with a chemical preparation (including skin burns!), contact of the solution with the skin around the wound should be avoided.

If there is a crust on the wound that has already begun to peel off and does not hold firmly, it is better to first remove it by soaking it in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide. A ready-made hydrogen peroxide preparation can be purchased at a pharmacy. Please keep in mind that it has a limited shelf life! You should not prepare a solution of hydrogen peroxide yourself at home, since in this case it is difficult to achieve the required concentration, and the sterility of the prepared preparation will be questionable.

The crust, as a rule, becomes softer afterwards and is easier to remove from the wound. Of course, if it is a newly formed crust on a wide wound, then there is no need to make an effort to remove it. It is convenient to treat the umbilical wound at home with cosmetic cotton swabs. When treating a wound, use the thumb and forefinger of the left hand to press on the tissue near the navel so as to “open” the navel area as much as possible for inspection and more thorough treatment.

When there is prolonged “wetting” of the wound, bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you need to consult a doctor!

If you doubt the correct treatment of your baby's navel, consult a nurse who should visit you daily in the first days after discharge from the maternity hospital.

Many maternity hospitals now practice early discharge of newborns. Moreover, by the time the baby is home, the umbilical cord may not yet fall off. If the pediatrician did not give other individual recommendations upon discharge, then you can bathe a child with a “not fallen off” umbilical cord remnant, as with an umbilical wound, on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital. Before it falls off, the umbilical cord remnant is treated at home once a day with an alcohol solution of brilliant green.

To bathe infants you need to use a baby bath. During the first two weeks, it is better to pre-boil the water used to bathe the baby and then cool it to a temperature of 36-37°C. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, a solution of potassium permanganate is added to the water until the water turns slightly pink. Remember that “potassium permanganate” must first be completely dissolved in a separate container, such as a cup, to avoid burning the baby’s skin with grains of potassium permanganate.

What not to do with your belly button

Don’t be afraid to touch the umbilical cord or umbilical wound when processing them! Kids may, of course, experience some discomfort, but it doesn’t hurt them. Caring for the umbilical wound should be especially careful, since it can serve as an entrance gate for the wound, which can result in first catarrhal and then purulent omphalitis - inflammation of the tissue near the umbilical wound.

In cases where there is prolonged “wetting” of the wound (more than 2 weeks), bloody, purulent or other discharge from it, you must consult a doctor! Do not try to treat your baby yourself: it may be unsafe for him.

The wound should not be under a gauze or disposable diaper, as this makes it difficult for the crust to dry, causes weeping and thus prevents the rapid healing of the wound and contributes to the possible addition of infection. Sometimes additional irritation of the skin of the peri-umbilical area is observed. To avoid this, you should bend the band of the disposable so that the navel area remains open.