Professional holiday trade day. Trade Workers Day in Russia

The date of the celebration became fixed according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2013. Since then, Trade Worker's Day has been celebrated on the fourth Saturday of July; in 2018, this holiday will be celebrated on the 28th.

The profession throughout its existence remains extremely in demand due to the trend of constant growth in demand for retail and wholesale goods. The role of ordinary employees in this area often remains underestimated, although they even have to celebrate their professional holiday behind the counter.

Happy Trade Workers Day!
I want to wish you
Strength, health and success,
Don't notice the crisis.

To every client
Have you found an approach?
Demand exceeding supply
Would strengthen your income.

So that taxes do not choke,
Things were just going uphill.
Happiness, joy, smiles,
May you always be lucky in everything.

From dusk to dawn
Behind the counter during the day and in the summer.
You accept the goods
Give it as a gift.

You need to know who and how
You are a psychologist, a doctor, an expert.
You can tell by the look
All the desires of people
Praise, gifts are welcome,
My head is full of ideas.

And today I need to drink,
So that trade goes smoothly,
So as not to offend luck,
Drink wine, not milk!

Trade is the engine of progress,
New items are in great demand,
Although there are risks and a lot of stress,
Don't turn the process back.

And the goal of trading is profit.
Products - for any request.
Easy to buy. Could you sell it?
And at what price? Question?!

Happy holiday to trade,
And we wish everyone good luck.
Let there be demand and there will be profit,
Success, happiness to you - without giving up.

Happy Trade Workers' Day,
We congratulate you - with love!
We wish everyone only success,
Have a nice life, more laughter!

The best clientele,
So that trade is the main thing,
May she inspire you
And they only supplied them with foreign currency!

In step with you, so that you “walk”:
Ruble, Dollar, capital...
Euro, so that it runs into the bargain,
Well, and others... for change!

Trade Workers Day
We are celebrating now.
May you have good health
Never ending supply!

Good buyers -
Generous, kind rich people.
We bought more.
There was no scandal at all!

Get rich. Prosper.
And live many days.
Celebrate quickly
Your beautiful bright day.

Congratulations on Trade Day in prose and postcards

Congratulations to all trade workers on their professional holiday! I wish you to always be determined to succeed, receive the desired profit, find clients easily and simply, develop and strive for the best! Let everything work out as planned, and even better! I wish you health, positivity and a sea of ​​positive results!

Congratulations to all trade workers. We wish you to always be fully armed and greet numerous customers with a disarming smile. Let the book of “reviews and suggestions” contain only kind words. And stable revenue and regular customers will be proof of your success. Let your income always outweigh the scales of your competitors. Excellent trading and prosperity in life.

Congratulating you on Trade Workers' Day, I would like to wish you only understanding and friendly customers, correct calculations, a complete absence of shortages and good wages. Let the existing assortment always be able to satisfy the most daring customer requests, and let your income grow exponentially.

We congratulate all trade workers on their professional holiday! We wish you huge revenues, grateful customers, high incomes. Be always healthy, beautiful, successful and happy!

We sincerely congratulate trade workers on the holiday! We wish you good trade, high incomes, increased demand for goods, satisfied customers and less competition. And always in a great mood, because a smile for a seller is the key to a successful sale.

History of Trade Day

Even during the times of Kievan Rus, the merchant class was a fairly influential class, but at that time the vast majority of trade magnates and small merchants were men. Nowadays it’s hard to call trading an exclusively male occupation. The heavy burden slowly passed onto the fragile female shoulders. For the first time in our open spaces, Trade Worker's Day appeared in 1966.

As such, market relations in a socialist state were condemned, so the holiday had a slightly different name. The “Day of Trade, Consumer Services and Public Utilities Workers” under the Communist Party was first celebrated on the last Sunday of July. A little later it was moved to the 3rd Sunday of March. Some enterprises still celebrated according to the old version, at the end of July, as before, which is why confusion with dates began.

Trade Day in the Modern World

By presidential decree of 2013, in the Russian Federation it was stipulated that Trade Worker's Day should be celebrated on the fourth Saturday of July. In the CIS, dates vary slightly. If in Russia this holiday falls on July 28, 2018, then in the territory of the former Soviet republics (Ukraine and Belarus) it falls on July 29, the last Sunday of July.

Today, the growth of online sales is increasing, and accordingly, the number of managers in online stores is growing. According to Rosstat’s calculations, in total, the trade sector now has about 3 million employees throughout Russia.

Trade Day in 2019, what date is celebrated in Russia, how and who to congratulate on this day, we will consider carefully within the framework of this material. Separately, it should be noted that it is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without large and small stores where you can buy everything your heart desires. This is where the people who work should be the first to be congratulated on Trade Day every year.

  • About the date of the holiday
  • A little background on the holiday
  • How to celebrate this holiday

About the date of the holiday

Today it is quite difficult to understand what day Trade Day in 2019 is in Russia, and there is an explanation for this. In different historical periods of our country, completely different dates were approved for this holiday, so Trade Day was celebrated, at least in the USSR, actually twice. This happened on the third Sunday in March, and the second time on the fourth Sunday in July. This could not continue for long in modern Russia, where everything has been put in order. Therefore, a decree was signed several years ago.

Since that time, a clear date has been determined, Trade Day in 2019, what date in Russia, at the official level. Moreover, the fourth Sunday of July stood out as a professional holiday. It turns out that this year Trade Day falls on July 27th. Celebrations and congratulations in honor of Trade Day will take place in Russia on this very day.
Important! At the official level, this day in the calendar as a professional holiday of trade workers in Russia was fixed only in May 2013; you can read about this in special decree No. 459 “On Trade Workers Day.”

A little about the profession and who to congratulate

So, as already noted in this article, not only sellers are congratulated on this day, although they are the first to come to mind because they work directly with customers and are the “face” of modern trade. But also on this day, a professional holiday is celebrated by sales and purchasing managers, employees of consumer service companies, even housing and communal services employees. Congratulations on this day are expected not only from ordinary buyers, but also from their colleagues and, of course, officials who occupy high government levels. In Russia, on Trade Day 2019, which falls on July 27 - the fourth Sunday of this month, congratulations on the holiday will be obligatory and no one will be left without congratulations. Prepare for the holiday table.

Some people who have never worked in trade think that it is easier to find a profession. But this, of course, is a misconception, and a very strong one at that. The profession of a salesperson in modern society is necessary, it is not easy and, on top of everything, this profession is financially responsible, which is always additional stress.

What is required from a good seller? Of course, a smile and a polite attitude towards the buyer, as well as knowledge of the entire range of goods, the ability to advise something necessary and make sure that after visiting a retail facility the buyer is 100% satisfied with everything. It is quite difficult to find professionals in this matter, but it is up to the seller to ensure that there is always revenue in the store. We remind you that the Day of Trade, as well as consumer services and housing and communal services in Russia is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July, which in 2019 falls on the 27th. The fact that the holiday is established at the official level speaks of the importance and prestige of the sales profession in modern society.

The first holiday date in honor of this professional day was established in the USSR in 1966. Then the holiday fell on the fourth Sunday of July, as in modern Russia. But since 1988, by order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the day of the holiday was changed to the third Sunday in March. It seems that the date was set at the state level and it was celebrated, but according to the old tradition, Trade Day in the USSR was additionally celebrated on the third Sunday in July.

To put an end to the confusion, in 2013 a separate decree was signed in modern Russia to celebrate Trade Day again on the fourth Sunday of July, as was popularly done and without official confirmation for this day. In 2019, Trade Day in Russia falls on July 27.

How to celebrate this holiday

In honor of the holiday, ceremonial events are organized for trade and housing and communal services workers, at which awards are presented for the best workers in the region based on the results of the year. After the holiday, banquets are held, the event is celebrated at the workplace after the store closes, some gather in a cafe, others in nature or at home at the festive table.

As a rule, established trading groups are friendly and they celebrate their holiday together at a large table in a pleasant and kind atmosphere, with laughter and fun.

Every seller is interested in the question “When is Trading Day?” On May 8, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, issued a decree stating the following: “Trade Day - In 2014, it will be scheduled for the last Saturday in July.”

History of the professional holiday

Buying and selling is a very important aspect of economics. Several thousand years BC, people worshiped and prayed and asked for success in trade and transactions. When it was celebrated in the Soviet Union, it was given the same time as now - the fourth Saturday of July. This was the case from 1966 to 1988. A little later, on November 1, 1988, the professional holiday of sellers was moved from the last Saturday of July to the penultimate Sunday of March. It turned out to be an unusual situation - as they used to celebrate the holiday in the summer, they continued to do so. But, according to the Decree of the Presidium, it was also celebrated in March.

Hard and responsible work

In the Middle Ages, buying and selling was carried out exclusively by men, but in the modern world this industry is considered female. Imagine what would happen if there were no sellers? A trade worker is a very hard and responsible job. Many stores in our country open at eight o'clock in the morning and close at ten in the evening. In addition, there is also If the goods are damaged or a shortage is revealed based on the results of the audit, then the seller has to pay. Trade Day in Russia is dedicated specifically to these specialists, their daily work and diligence.

World Trade Day - when is it celebrated?

There is World Fair Trade Day - it is the second Saturday in May. This month itself is considered the period of fair trade. The essence of the holiday is that the World Fair Trade organization defends international rules and trade policy. The main focus is on the production of trade items. The main requirement: that all goods be made without the use of child and slave labor.

Two holidays

In fact, in our country there are 2 trade holidays - in March and in July. The thing is, people celebrate the old fashioned way. Very often the professional “Seller’s Day” is celebrated on the penultimate Sunday of July. But still, most workers celebrate it right at the workplace. Employers do not consider it necessary to have a day off. But some still go out as a group into nature or go to a restaurant.

How to celebrate?

When trading day is celebrated in the summer, it is most important for the whole team to go out into nature. If the store is still open on this holiday, then you can celebrate on the next weekend. You can also celebrate after a hard day, for example, by going to a restaurant. You can come up with a scenario for this professional celebration yourself. In some stores, when Trade Day is celebrated, management gives everyone a day off and celebrates with the team. Many managers of large retail outlets even give gifts or bonuses to employees.

As the capitalist proverb goes, the customer is always right. But even if, suddenly, the scrupulous client turns out to be wrong, the seller must do everything to make the dissatisfied buyer feel on top. This is the skill of the seller, in whose honor Trade Worker Day is celebrated on the last Saturday of July.

Historical parallel

Traders were always and everywhere. The demand for a particular product or service has always been present, regardless of geography and era. Gradually, humanity progressed, borders were erased, means for faster travel appeared, which means new opportunities arose for promoting their goods, and, accordingly, the number of sellers grew. In the old days, Trade Day would most likely be called a purely men's holiday. At that time, only representatives of the stronger sex stood behind the counter. Today, when we celebrate Trade Worker’s Day 2019, it is unlikely that anyone would dare to call this only a male profession.

Behind the counter

Unlike most other professions, salespeople work irregular hours. They work on Sunday, and on those days when the country is on a ten-day New Year holiday, they will be at their workplace on Trade Day 2019. Therefore, many representatives of this profession always have a question - when is Trade Workers Day, and, as a rule, Colleagues do not find an answer to this question.

Trade – showcase of the country

It is believed that the more developed this area is in a particular country, the higher the economic indicators of the state. Just don’t judge prosperity if the country’s territory has been turned into one big market. Trade must be streamlined and strictly sanctioned, and the goods offered must necessarily comply with all government regulations.

Despite the ban on private property, Trade Worker's Day is a well-known date in the USSR, only the name of the holiday was slightly different, in the spirit of that time. The word trade was replaced by consumer services for citizens. When Trade Worker's Day was celebrated in the Soviet Union, this date was also floating and fell on the last Sunday of July. And only in 1988, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the date was moved to the third Sunday of March.

Modern trade

According to the decree of the President of Russia in 2013, the holiday received its final registration on the 4th Saturday of July. Numerous online sellers have recently joined the huge army of trade workers. Over the past few years, a significant share of sales has come from the Internet. In total, all employees in the Russian trade sector make up 3 million people. In other words, when Trade Day comes, it is as if the population of a huge metropolis is celebrating it. Also on this day, the best representatives in their profession are celebrated, who are awarded various honorary prizes and awards. They receive the title of Honored Trade Workers of the Russian Federation. In addition, when Trade Workers' Day is celebrated in Russia, it is also remembered in Ukraine and Belarus. True, in these countries the holiday is celebrated in the old fashioned way, as it came from the USSR - every last Sunday of July. In addition to national holidays, International Trade Day is celebrated throughout the world every second Saturday in May.

Trade plays a colossal role for each individual and the entire state. About 20% of GDP in any country in the world comes from this area. This is a complex area consisting of a huge number of structures - both domestic and international. The active development of trade must continue, and people involved in dozens of necessary professions play an important role in this. Sellers, managers, logisticians, suppliers, manufacturers, consultants, loaders - these and many other trade employees deserve to have their own holiday.

history of the holiday

Since the times of Ancient Rus', trade has played an important role in the economic and even political life of the country. With the development of market relations, the sales profession has become one of the most common and in demand. And if in the Middle Ages it was mainly men who traded, today this industry is traditionally considered female.

In the CIS countries, this holiday is or was not always celebrated on the same day. So, in Russia they began to celebrate it back in 1966. The fourth Sunday in July was set aside for the celebration. This lasted until 1988, when a decree was passed to change the date. Then they began to celebrate Trade Workers' Day on the third Sunday of March.

But people who were accustomed to the previous option were not going to give it up. As a result, there were two whole holidays, which pleased all representatives of the trade sector. It became clear that it would not be possible to eradicate the habit in this case. That is why in 2013 the old date was returned. Belarus and Kazakhstan now adhere to the same option. The holiday falls on the last Sunday of July.