The world around us in the preparatory group for the Federal State Educational Standard. Summary of educational activities for familiarizing yourself with the outside world in the preparatory group “Traveling the Globe”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Sitneshchelkanovsky child development center - kindergarten "Beryozka"

Stupinsky municipal district

Summary of the integrated lesson

to get to know the environment

in the preparatory school group

“What are man’s hands for?”

Prepared by:


first qualification category

Petrova Elena Alexandrovna

Goal: to give children a basic understanding that hands are an important part of the human body.


1. Educational:

To cultivate in the process of communication a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to cooperate and empathize;

Cultivate an interest in studying your body, a careful and caring attitude towards it.

2. Educational:

Expand children's understanding of the importance of hands in human life;

To consolidate children's knowledge about actions performed with their hands - touching, taking, giving; create, etc.

Exercise children in selecting verbs and adjectives.

Enrich your vocabulary with the concepts: “leading hand”, right, left.

3. Developmental:

Develop the ability to establish relationships between objects;

Develop motor skills, fine motor skills;

Build children's self-esteem;

Develop attention and logical thinking.

Integration of educational areas

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Preliminary work:

  • daily finger exercises and acupressure;
  • conducting games “Find out by touch”, “Funny palms”;
  • holding board games “Mosaic”, “Constructor”;
  • conversations aimed at developing sanitary and hygienic skills in children;
  • reading the works “Moidodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky, “What is good and what is bad”;
  • conducting classes in applique, modeling, drawing;
  • carrying out work activities in a group;

Materials and equipment:

1. Ball, tape recorder.

2. Items for experiments: pencils and paper; pasta trays; books; scissors.

3. Diagrams depicting emotions of different moods.

4. Children's clothing - two skirts, two T-shirts.

5. Handout didactic material for each child: “Bad - Good” cards.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group to the music and stand in a circle.

Guys, look at the guests, at each other, smile and say hello.

To make our lesson today fun and friendly, let's play the game “Pass Friendship.”

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

Imagine yourself as a little sun, your hands are warm rays. First, stretch them forward to each other, and then to the sides, holding hands. Warm each other with your warmth, close your eyes and feel it. (Music) Take a deep breath and exhale 3 times. Open all your eyes.

I noticed that during the game you all smiled and treated each other with warmth and tenderness. Let your hands give everyone warmth and kindness. Thank you, everyone, sit down on the chairs.

Today I invite you to talk about an important part of the human body, and which one you will see in this picture when you solve the riddle.

What are these two sisters?

Two craftswoman sisters,

Two braids are braided.

They sew, and knit, and bake,

Don't they just sing songs? (Hands.)

That's right, hands. Let's remember the parts of the hands. I will show, and you will answer. (Shoulder, elbow, forearm, hand, fingers)

Each finger has its own name.

Who is ready to tell us the names of the fingers? (Thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger)

Visiting the big toe

They came straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last

The little finger itself is a little one,

He knocked on the threshold.

Together fingers are friends.

They can't live without each other

Game “One - many”, “Call it kindly” (Finger, elbow, etc.)

Tell me, when you brushed your teeth today, what did you use to hold your toothbrush with? (With hands.)

At breakfast, what did you use to hold the cup with? (With hands.)

What about a spoon? (With hands.)

What did you fasten the buttons with? (With hands.)

When we went to kindergarten, mom and dad also held hands. How many important things our hands can do. This means that hands are our helpers.

Game "Think and Say"

What types of hands are there? (Strong, fast, friendly, dexterous, hardworking, affectionate, etc.)

Vika reads a poem:

Hands can reach everything

You can hold it in your hands

And a toy and a blade of grass,

And a heavy chair behind the back.

You can wave your arms

You can play with cubes

Draw, dig sand,

Break off a piece of bread.

Even droplets from a cloud

- Thank you all for the worthy answers, you are all very attentive, stand in a circle.

Game "Repeat"

- I will now show you several actions in a row, and you will have to repeat the actions in the sequence in which I show

1.Hands raised up.

2.A clap is made above the head.

3. Arms spread to the sides.

4.Hands down.

The game continues 5 times

They also say about hands - “affectionate”. Who has gentle hands? What are they doing? (They caress, stroke, hug, feel sorry for, etc.)

How do you understand the expression “Golden Hands”? (These are hands that know how to do everything well: heal, make, etc.)

Playing with a ball “My mother (father, grandmother, grandfather) has golden hands, because she knows how...”

I have these wonderful balls, let's play with them and stretch our hands.

I roll the ball in circles
I drive him back and forth,
I will stroke their palm,
And then I’ll squeeze it a little.
I'll press the ball with each finger,
And I'll start with the other hand.

Educator: - Thank you everyone for the game, sit down at the tables.


No. 1. Examination of hands.

Place both hands on the table. Look at them carefully and tell me: how many hands does a person have?

(Two arms)

How are our hands similar to each other?

(Have 5 fingers)

Guys, let's see what our hands can do. There is a book in front of you. Try turning its pages without your hands. Hide your hands behind your back.

Was it easy for you?

How did you turn the page?

(You can blow with your nose)

Now turn the page with your hands. Well done.

No. 2. - Next task. Transfer the pasta to another plate without using your hands.

And now with your hands. See how our hands work. Many different actions are performed by human hands.

What are hands for?

(Hands are needed to serve yourself, that is, to eat, work, draw, dress, etc.)

#3 - Okay. Well done. Now let's check whether they work equally well. But first, let's check if you know where the right and left hands are.

Raise your right hand, and now your left.

Take a pencil in your right hand and draw a sun on the paper. Drew.

Now draw the same sun with your left hand.

Dima, which hand is more comfortable to draw with?

Take scissors and cut the strip first with your right hand and then with your left.

Tell me, Nastya, is it equally good to perform a task with your left and right hands?

The hand with which it is more convenient for a person to work is called the leading hand.

Which hand is more comfortable to hold a spoon? (host)

Raise your hand those whose right hand is dominant. Now raise your hand, those whose left hand is dominant. Which people are there more?

Guys, do you know what is good for our hands and what is bad?

Children's answers.

Now we will check this with you.

The game “Good - Bad” to develop children’s ability to classify.

Instructions for use. - There are cards on your table. There are two palms on the cards: a silhouette with a “cheerful” palm, and a silhouette with a “sad” palm. Your task is to think about what is good for our hands and what is bad. What is good for our hands should be associated with a cheerful palm, and what is bad with a sad one.

Calm music plays and the children complete the task.

Vika, what pictures did you connect with the “sad” palm? Why?

Christina, what pictures did you connect with the “cheerful” palm? Why?

Well done guys, stand in a circle and let's play

We stomp our feet

We clap-clap our hands

We are the eyes of a moment-a-moment

We shrug our shoulders

One here, two here,

Turn around yourself

One sat down, two stood up

We raised our hands up

One two, one two,

The game is over

No. 4. Experiment "The Meaning of Hands"

Let's check, maybe, really, one hand would be enough for us, and the other hand would be extra? Sit down on the chairs.

Instructions for use. - Look, I have items of clothing for girls. While the music is playing, one will put on the item with one hand, and the other with two. Your task is to see who completed this task faster.

Music plays, children complete the task.

Look who got dressed faster, who found it easier? (with both hands)

Who had it more difficult, and why? (with one hand)

This means that both hands are equally important to us. Therefore, you need to treat your hands with care.

I think your hands are kind and skillful!

Look at your hands. Do they get dirty quickly? (Yes)

Where does dirt accumulate the most? (Under the nails)

How should we take care of our hands? (Wash with soap, trim nails, do not injure hands, do not put fingers in mouth)

3. - Today I was convinced that in my group there are very smart, attentive, quick-witted, friendly and well-mannered children who take care not only of toys, various objects and people around them, but also of themselves, their hands!

Music game “Right hand forward...”


1.A.I. Ivanova “MAN” Naturally - scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten.

2. I.A. Morozova Acquaintance with the surroundings. Lesson notes.

3. O.V. Epifanov “Development of speech”, “The world around us”. Didactic material for classes with older preschoolers.

Olga Vitalievna Dybina

Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in a kindergarten preparatory group. Class notes


This manual will help to successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 6–7 years old with the world around them (subject environment and phenomena of social life) in the process of classes, games-activities, and didactic games.

To make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program, its content is presented in topics. Each topic is covered: an approximate course of a lesson, activity or game is offered. The teacher can show creativity when planning lessons, include variable game and problem situations, which will make work with children even more successful and meaningful.

The study of each topic can be completed with a game task (puzzles, riddles, drawings, answers, etc.). Game tasks are presented in a workbook (Dybina O.V. I’m getting to know the world: Workbook for children 6–7 years old. - M.: TC Sfera, 2009).

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when getting acquainted with the outside world it is impossible to:

- limit yourself only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality; it is necessary to include as many activities as possible in classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in them, invite mom, treat grandma, etc.);

– overload children with a large number of questions;

– reduce the organization of work with children only to the form of educational activities.

Familiarization with the outside world must be built in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction in order to make this process more accessible and effective.

In the pre-school group, familiarization with the outside world is carried out both in the form of games-activities and in the form of a didactic game itself, when the game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and the correct solution of problems is the achievement of the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games-activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize his activity in relation to the world around him. You can make the game more difficult using different methods:

– inclusion of travel into the past, present and future of various objects (depending on the age of the children);

– increase in the number of trips;

– change in the number of teams and participants in each team;

– inclusion of tasks for drawing objects, etc.

Didactic games can be used both in joint activities of children and adults, and in independent activities of preschoolers, as well as to stimulate activity in the process of learning about the world around them.

For children in the preschool group, the educational tasks of experimental games should become more complex: from the ability to act independently in accordance with a given algorithm and obtain a result to the ability to create an algorithm in accordance with models; from the ability to determine and analyze the structure, properties, features, features of the interaction of features of an object to the ability to represent them in a system of relationships and interdependencies (structure, functioning, purpose, existence in time and space, etc.).

The manual presents additional material: options for game-activities, games, exercises intended for use in working with children outside of class, on a walk.

To familiarize children in the preschool group with the world around them (the subject environment and the phenomena of social life), 2 lessons per month are allocated.

The teaching staff of kindergarten No. 179 “Snowdrop” of the ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada”” in the city of Togliatti, the head - Nadezhda Petrovna Palenova, the methodologist - Natalya Grigorievna Kuznetsova, took part in the development and testing of classes to familiarize adults with work.

The manual offers an approximate distribution of material for the academic year. The teacher can distribute the material in his own way, in accordance with the holidays of the month (October - Teacher's Day; February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, April - Cosmonautics Day, etc.) or depending on the availability of the material.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Sample lesson notes


1. Helper items

Program content. To form children’s ideas about objects that facilitate human labor in production; explain that these items can improve quality, speed of action, perform complex operations, and change products.

Material. Pictures depicting various objects, including objects that facilitate human work in production (for example, a machine tool, computer, robot, sewing machine, etc.); chips, algorithm for describing an item, package, letter from Dunno.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children about the parcel received from Dunno. The parcel contains a subject picture and a letter with tasks: Dunno asks the children to complete all the tasks and inform him in a letter about their completion.

Exercise 1. The teacher lays out all the subject pictures on the table and invites the children to choose pictures depicting objects that help people in production. Children take turns taking one picture at a time, name the object and tell why it serves a person. The child who correctly names the item and tells how it is used receives a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Task 2. The teacher lays out on the table pictures selected by the children depicting objects that make work easier in production. The teacher describes one of the subjects using an algorithm. The child who is the first to guess and name the object receives a chip. A child can also be the leader.

Task 3. Children are divided into two teams. There are object pictures on the table. At the teacher’s signal, one team selects pictures depicting objects that improve the quality and speed of manufacturing products in production, the other team selects pictures depicting objects that perform complex actions and change the product. The team that quickly and correctly typed the pictures and explained their choice wins.

Task 4. The teacher shows the children one by one pictures depicting a robot, a computer, a calculator, a typewriter, or a machine. Children name each object, talk about it, if necessary, relying on a description algorithm, noting that all these objects belong to the man-made world. Together with the teacher, they clarify that these items make work easier in production, improve the quality of products, speed up the work process, act harmoniously and can change another item.

2. Friendly family

Program content. Summarize and systematize children's ideas about family (people who live together, love each other, take care of each other). Expand ideas about the ancestral roots of the family; intensify cognitive interest in family and loved ones; cultivate a desire to care for loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

Material. Dunno doll; exhibition “My Family” - photographs of family members of pupils, their favorite objects; material for crafts (colored paper, scissors, glue, natural material, etc.).

Preliminary work. Creation of the exhibition “My Family”. Conversations: “Professions of my parents”, “How we relax”, “I feel good when...”, “Our pets”, etc. Learning proverbs about family. Drawing on the theme “My family.” Examination of reproductions of paintings by artists on the theme of family; family albums.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher pronounces a proverb and invites the children to guess what it says: “Together is crowded, but apart is boring.”

Children. This proverb is about family.

Educator. Right. Today we will talk about family. What is family? (Children's answers.) I invited Dunno to visit us. (Shows the doll.) He really wants to see our exhibition “My Family.” Tell him about your families.

Children (optional) approach photographs of their family members, tell who is depicted in them, where the family was photographed, etc.

Dunno. Guys, I noticed that you all smiled when you talked about your families. Why? (We love everyone in our family. It's nice to remember the day when everyone took pictures together, etc.)

Educator. Do you love everyone equally or is there someone in the family whom you love more than others? Who wants to tell us about this man? What is he like? (Children's stories - optional.) Now show and tell Dunno about the favorite items of your family members that you brought. (Children's stories.) In a family, parents and children please each other with something. What do you think children do to please their parents? (The fact that they grow, learn something new, strive to help adults, etc.) What do parents do to make their children happy? (By caring for them, loving them, protecting them, etc.) Now arrange the photographs of family members from youngest to oldest.

Type of lesson: familiarization with the surrounding world with elements of experimentation.

Type: educational.

Topic: “Getting to know fire.”

Age: 6-7 years.

Group: school preparatory group.

Venue: group room.

Program content:

  1. Introduce children to the history of the use of fire, its properties, its role in human life, its benefits and dangers.
  2. Through experiments with different objects, teach children to understand the beauty, benefits of fire and its dangers.
  3. To form in children norms of behavior with fire and knowledge of fire safety rules in home and outdoor conditions.
  4. To foster an understanding that you cannot act with fire without adults.

Vocabulary work: draft, cold-warmer-hot.

Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations about fire, electrical appliances, reading poems and stories, memorizing proverbs and sayings.

Individual work: Encourage children to speak and act.

Equipment: stereo system, small table, cushions for children, small chair for the teacher


Demonstration: candles, candlestick, jug of water, basin of water, fire extinguishing cap, matches, audio recording of sounds of natural phenomena and animals

Handout: dry and wet rags, dry and wet paper, dry and wet cardboard, nails, metal sticks, chains

Seating children: Sit on the floor, on cushions, with a hoop and a small table in the center.

Literature: Program “School 2100”. Magazine “Preschool Pedagogy / April / 2010.

Story by B. Zhidkov “Smoke”. Proverbs and sayings about natural phenomena. Stories and poems from the series “So that there is no trouble.”

Progress of the lesson

(Children sit on the floor around a “safety circle” (hoop). In the center of the circle, on a small table, there is a candle (on a stand, in a candlestick). The teacher pays attention to the shape of the candle, its color, size, etc. Children compare it with candles that they have already seen, using elements of recall, compare the candles with each other, highlighting similarities and differences. The teacher lights a candle, commenting on his actions, clarifying whether the children can take matches themselves).

Educator: We lit a candle and will look at the fire. Drops of wax flow slowly and importantly. A thin petal of fire trembles on draft (light breeze). He is alive - otherwise, why would he tremble so much? There is a mighty power hidden within him. He remembers what people have already forgotten. And that’s why we love to look at him so much.

A person always thinks, even when he is not thinking about anything. And only then can he not think when he looks at the fire or at the water. Time itself flows in the movement of water and the trembling of fire.

In water and fire lives the great mystery of the birth of humanity, which emerged from the sea and sat down to warm itself by the fire. Over the millions of years that have passed since then, everything has changed: snakes and birds, animals and fish, flowers and trees, man himself has changed, the earth and even the stars have changed! And only fire and water remained unchanged.

Let's hold hands and admire the fire. (Quiet music sounds. Children admire the fire)

Now let’s squint our eyes and look at the fire. (Children perform. Repeat several times).

– How do you feel about what you saw? (Children exchange: some see rays of sunshine, some see a rainbow, some rays of fire. The teacher puts out the candle by blowing it out.)

Exercise “Breeze”:

- Guys, how else can you put out the candle? (Children answer: close the cap, fill with water. The teacher demonstrates the methods. Then invites the children to blow out the candle. Children take turns blowing out the candle, inhaling through their nose and exhaling through their mouth)

Why couldn’t everyone put out the fire right away? Children answer)

That's right, this requires a sharp and strong exhalation. Let's blow on the fire so that the flame does not go out, but only sways. (Children blow)

Guys, you saw and felt the results of different exhalation forces. And to put out the fire, you need to exhale strongly.

Let's continue our acquaintance with fire.

The flame of our candle remembers the very first fire, where the first people warmed themselves. Maybe it was lightning that lit a dry tree, or maybe rotten leaves in the forest caught fire on their own. At that time, people did not yet know how to make fire, and they carefully stored it in pits with coals. What grief did the rain bring, taking away the fire! The flame of our candle remembers the first fire lit by man himself. That fire was born from sticks rubbing against each other, or from a spark struck by one stone from another. But it was still very difficult to get a piece of wood to give fire.

Then people learned to borrow fire from the Sun. Its rays were passed through round glass vessels filled with water, through polished transparent quartz crystals and special burning glasses.

How is our candle lit? With a match. They appeared not so long ago, a little over 150 years ago, and were initially glass, with white porcelain heads. Now matches are made from wood.

Fire is a very old friend of man. With its help, many useful things are accomplished. He faithfully serves people in everyday life.

– Who can tell me how people use fire? ( Children answer)

The fire has become so familiar, ordinary. But before he was treated differently. People saw how different he can be: sometimes a good friend and helper, and sometimes a formidable element that destroys everything in its path. Fire gave life, but it also took it away. He was respected and feared, loved and revered.

Adults know, children know
To the farthest ends of the earth:
How long have people lived in the world?
They protected the fire more than their eyes.
After all, fire in the cold, in bad weather
I always warmed them up by the fire
And to the great human race
Never let it freeze.
They preserved it as best they could -
Almighty hot fire.
And even though thousands of years have flown by,
People still need him.
After all, from ancient times to our century
He is man's helper and friend.

Exercise “Hot and cold”: ( The teacher lowers (closes) his palm to the burning candle, commenting on his impressions: palm high from the fire - cold, lower - warmer, low - hot.)

– Who wants to “touch” the light? (If there are no volunteers, the teacher takes the child’s palm in his own and performs the actions together. Children comment on the actions being performed and are convinced from their own experience that the fire is hot and should not be touched).

“But let's see what can happen if you get too close to the fire.”

(The teacher shows the children that there is an invisible flame and it is also dangerous. He brings the paper to the candle flame at a distance of several centimeters, without touching the visible part of the flame. After a few seconds, the sheet will smoke, a brown spot will appear, then a flame)

You can't get close to the fire, you can get burned. Do not bring objects close to the fire, they can ignite and harm a person or cause a fire.

Physical activity: Children imitate the flames of a fire to the music.

The fire has great power. And if this power is handled ineptly and carelessly, then the fire can become terrible and insidious. It claims millions of human lives, wipes out both large cities and small villages from the face of the Earth. Houses, hospitals, fields, factories, gardens, trains are burning. People are dying.

People felt strength and power
Since fire was tamed!
But there are other fires too -
But he will warm your palms,
Turns everything into ash and smoke,
And he is cruel, and menacing, and terrible.
Be careful with fire, children,
Remember these rules firmly.

Exercise “On or off”: (The teacher offers the children a number of objects: dry and wet paper, dry and wet cloth, thin and thick cardboard, a metal stick, a chain.)

Look at these objects, touch them.

- Who can name what is in his hand? (Children say the name of the item and its condition)-What do you think, the object in your hand will burn or not? (children's answers)

Now let's check...

(The teacher tries to light all these objects over a basin of water. At the same time, all the ignited objects are extinguished in a container of water. The teacher explains that poorly extinguished objects can cause a fire and it will be impossible to extinguish it by blowing it out)

– What objects catch fire quickly? (children's answers)

– Which ones cannot burn at all? (children's answers)

– What should you do if an object is on fire? How to extinguish it if large objects are burning? (children's answers)

- Now, who can tell me a proverb or saying about fire?

The king is fire, the queen is water.
A fire is born from a spark.
Don't joke with fire, don't be friends with water, don't trust the wind.
You can't argue with fire and water.
Don't have the habit of carrying matches in your pocket.
Fire is a man's friend, but don't touch it.
You can't put out a fire with tears.
A small match burns a large forest.
For the smart, fire is warmth, for the stupid, it is a burn.
Don't touch the fire - you won't burn your hand.
He who plays with fire burns in fire.
“From a small spark comes great grief”
“A box of matches, although small, can cause a lot of harm.”

Educator: Well done. You know a lot of sayings and proverbs about fire.

– Who will answer why the fire occurs? (Children's answers: these could be matches, electrical appliances, electrical sockets, a stove, sparklers, candles, cigarettes, gas)

If suddenly a fire breaks out,
You are obliged at that very moment
Call the fire department
Report a fire.

– What number should I call and how can I explain what happened? (Answer: dial number 01, There is a fire in our house. Address: Yunosti, building 21, apartment 6).

– Let’s say a fire has just started in the house, what will your actions be? (answer: try to put out the fire throwing a blanket, carpet, coat or any heavy blanket to stop the air flow, take any vessel: bucket, pan, ladle, bottle, fill it with water and pour on the fire, call 01, call adults for help, if the fire intensifies, you must leave the room immediately)

It doesn’t matter what you use to extinguish the fire – dry sand or wet water. The main thing is to block the access of oxygen.

- Guys, if there is a lot of smoke, how can you leave the room? (You need to breathe through the wet cloth at the bottom of the floor and leave the room).

Who is not careful with fire?
There's a risk of fire there.
Children, remember
That you can't joke with fire.

Listen again to the rules that you need not only to know, but also to follow:

  • don't play with matches
  • turn off electrical appliances
  • don't light the gas

Lesson summary: Let's summarize our lesson. What did we talk about today? How is fire useful for humans and in everyday life? Why is fire dangerous? Who to call if there is a fire? What rules do you need to know and follow?

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group

Subject:“What a wonderful water-sorceress”

Program content: 1. Create a holistic idea of ​​water as a natural

phenomenon. Clarify children's ideas about the importance of water

in human life, in nature.

2. Introduce children to the basic properties of water (flowing, without

odorless, colorless, tasteless, transparent, solvent) and with the process

som water purification through a paper filter.

3. Foster an environmental culture, respect for

nature, to the water.

Integration: Communication, Socialization, Cognition, Labor, Safety, Physical

culture, Reading fiction.

Equipment: Pictures depicting water in nature, pictures-diagrams of the properties of water,

transparent glasses, water, milk, garlic, sugar, paper napkins, globe...

Progress of the lesson:

V.: Guys, do you hear someone knocking?

(I go, open the door, bring in a Droplet)

V.: Guys, look what kind of guest came to us! Droplet. Let's say hello to her and put her in the place of honor.

V.: Now listen carefully and determine what these sounds are.

(recording “Sounds of Water” plays)

Have you heard about water?

They say she is everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean

And in the water tap...

V.: Is this so? How do you think? Where did Droplet come from, where could she be? Let's look at the pictures that show the places where our Droplet traveled. Let's name them.

D: Stream, river, sea, lake, ocean.

Q: So, a Droplet is a small particle of what?

Q: Who needs water? (children answer, answers are accompanied by a display of pictures). Plants, animals, birds, fish, humans

Q: Can a person live without water? Why do we need water?

D: To drink, wash, clean, do laundry, cook, water plants.

V.: Of course, you can’t do a single thing without water, it is necessary for all living things, without water there would be no life on our planet Earth.

V.: Now guys, let’s go and sit down at the tables (girls, then boys).

The droplet would like to tell and even show the magical properties of water, for this we need to do some research. You are ready. Then let's begin. During experiments, you need to follow some safety rules: don’t make noise, don’t move around, don’t talk, be very careful when working with objects. Agreed?

Experience 1. Fluid (teacher demonstrates)

I have 2 glasses on the table: 1 with water, 2 empty. Look closely, what am I doing? (I pour it over water). What does water do? (flows). (A symbol is posted on the board).

(When clarifying a property, icons appear on the board to help children remember the property and name it when repeated).

When does a person use this property? (When he pours water into a kettle, a cup, fills a bath...)

Experience 2. Transparent (teamwork)

There are 2 glasses of liquid on your tables. In one glass there is water, in the other there is milk. Take 1 spoon and put it in a glass of milk, and the other spoon in a glass of water.

Is the spoon visible in a glass of milk? No

And in a glass of water? Yes it is visible

Why is she visible? Because the water is clear. (Symbol)

When does a person use this property? (Looking at pebbles at the bottom, fish in an aquarium)

Experiment 3. No smell (teamwork)

Guys, many products can be recognized by their smell. Can you find out?

I’ll check now, you have glasses on your tables covered with a napkin, try to find out by the smell what’s there? (garlic)

You are all right, you guessed right, now smell the water. Does she smell anything?

So what can we say about water? Water has no smell. (Symbol)

When does a person use this property? (When distinguishes one liquid from another)

Experience 4. No taste (teamwork)

Guys, do you like candy? Why do you love them? (sweet, tasty).

What does lemon taste like? (Sour)

Try the water, is it sweet? sour? salty, maybe bitter? (no no no)

This means that water has no taste (Symbol)

When does a person use this property? (When preparing food)

Experiment 5. Without color (teacher demonstrates)

Guys, I will take strips of colored cardboard and apply (each in turn) to a glass of water, and you will compare the color of the strips and the water in the glass. What color is the water?

Conclusion: Colorless water (Symbol)

When does a person use this property? (Cook food, drink water)

Experiment 6. Water-solvent (teamwork)

Guys, on your tables, in plates, there is a piece of sugar, put it in a glass of water.

Do you see the sugar? (Yes)

Now stir the water thoroughly in the glasses, what happened to the sugar?

Has the sugar dissolved?

What dissolved it? This is water.

Conclusion: Water-solvent (Symbol)

When does a person use this property? (We cook, wash, wash, clean the apartment, wash the dishes, etc.)

To better remember the basic properties of water, let's play the Day-Night game. Close your eyes and, opening them on command, name the property of water, the symbol of which the teacher points to.

Guys, now in unison (or someone will individually name all the properties of water).

Physical education lesson “White Cloud”

Little white cloud(rounded arms in front of you)

Rising above the roof(raise your arms above your head)

A cloud rushed(pull your arms up, smoothly swing your arms over

Higher, higher, higher head from side to side)

The wind is a cloud(describe a circle through the sides and lower them, sit down)

Caught on a cliff

Turned into a cloud

Into a thundercloud.

Guys, where does the water in the tap come from? After all, we use this water every day, but it keeps flowing and flowing, never ending? (flows through pipes from the river)

That's right, the water in the tap is river water. The man directed the water through pipes, and it traveled a long way before it got to our house. Guys, is it possible to drink water directly from the river? (Children's answers)

Before water reaches our tap, it is purified at special treatment facilities. In everyday life (every home) there are jugs - filters and even a whole cleaning station, just a small one.

How can we purify this water? For this I will take an ordinary paper napkin. For convenience, so as not to spill the water, I will put a napkin in the funnel and quietly pour the water. Look what happens to her. Where does all the dirt stay? (on a napkin)

You need to drink only clean water.


Look what I have in my hands?

This is a globe (model of the Earth)

What colors are there on the globe?

Which color is more?

Water, as we just found out, has no color, and it is designated blue because the blue sky is reflected in the water, which is why it appears blue. It is difficult to find a place on Earth where there is no water. There is water everywhere. And not only in the oceans and seas, in rivers and lakes. Water is also found in the earth. Take any stone from the road - and in it, in its smallest cracks, there is water.

There is a lot of water in living organisms - in every plant, in every animal, in a person. A person is 2/3 water (waist-deep). Water helps us digest food, gives cells nutrition, cleanses the body, removing harmful substances. There is also water in the air.

Water is used by humans in everyday life for irrigation. A lot of water is required for industrial production. Guys, where do you think the drops of water live in our group?

Let's take a trip around the group and use drops to mark the places where water is consumed.

  1. Door (toilet, washbasin)
  2. Sink where dishes are washed
  3. Corner of nature
  4. Cabinet with brushes and paints
  5. Wardrobe with toys
  6. Kettle

(Apple demonstration: a cut piece of an apple is fresh water, the rest of the apple is salty). Therefore, water resources must be protected. But as?

Don't waste water

Do not let water flow in a strong stream

Close the water tap tightly

Do not litter streams, rivers and lakes

Guys, our guest Droplet decided to stay with us so that when you see her every day, you remember that water is our wealth and must be protected.

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For the ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble

We cannot live without WATER!!!

Lesson summary: What did we talk about? What new things have you learned about water? What should you do to save water?

Svetlana Emelyanova
Summary of educational activities for familiarizing yourself with the outside world in the preparatory group “Traveling the Globe”

Summary of GCD

View Integrated

Type Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Group Preparatory school

Federal State Educational Standard Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”

Subject"An entertaining journey around the globe"

Target Clarifying and consolidating children's knowledge about the importance of forests and water in human life and all living things.

TasksEducational. Create a holistic understanding of water as a natural phenomenon. To clarify children’s ideas about the importance of water in human life and in nature. Introduce the basic properties of water (fluid, odorless, colorless, tasteless, solvent).

Clarify and expand children's knowledge about wild animals and their habitats and trees.

Developmental. Develop the ability to recognize trees by their fruits and leaves. Develop an interest in plants, animals, the environment (water, a desire to learn more about them.] Educational. Foster respect for water, forests, and wild animals.

Health-saving. Alternate children's activities and avoid fatigue. Develop fine muscles of the hands and fingers.

Dictionary Continue to develop speech as a means of communication.

Equipment Globe; riddles about a globe, a tree, wild animals; Images of rowan, oak, spruce, birch and their leaves; pictures depicting a fox, bear, squirrel, wolf and their home (hole, den, hollow, lair); audio recording of the sounds of water, murmur, drops); pictures depicting a stream, river, lake, sea; 2 transparent glasses for each child, teaspoons, milk, water, garlic, tangerines, sugar, napkins, image of a drop.

Preliminary work Reading literature about forests, animals, water; observation on walks; solving riddles; viewing illustrations; watching video cartoons about nature, making collages; looking at a globe and a map; conducting experiments with water, sand, air; depiction of animals, trees, their leaves and fruits, bodies of water in drawings, modeling, appliqué.

GCD move

Children enter the group. Greet guests. They stand in a semicircle.

Guys, come on and we'll say hello to each other.

Greeting "Sensitive Hands"

What kind of miracle is this? One hand and two hands (raise hands alternately)

Here is the left palm, here is the right palm (look at the palms)

And I’ll tell you without hiding, everyone needs friends’ hands!

Strong hands will not rush into a fight! (arms to the sides, bend at the elbows)

Kind hands will pet the dog (they stroke their hands in turn)

Smart hands know how to heal (stroking cheeks)

Sensitive hands know how to make friends (holding hands) Guys, feel the warmth of your neighbor’s hands. Smile at each other and say: “Guys, let’s live together.”

Educator: Guys, now I want to invite you on an interesting journey. But first, guess the riddle:

On the table in front of me

The globe began to spin:

Arctic, Equator, Pole,

Contained all the earth -. (globe)

Educator: Yes, a difficult riddle, but I will help you. I brought you a globe.

Educator: What is a globe? (children's answers) Yes, you are right. Globe - a small model of planet Earth.

Let's look again at this colorful planet. What are we, its inhabitants, called? (children's answers).

Who was the first to see our earth from space? (children's answers: cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin). She seemed so small and defenseless to him. So we earthlings must take care of our planet. Let's look at the globe and remember what does the blue color on the globe mean? (children's answers: rivers, seas, oceans).

Yellow? (children's answers: mountains, deserts).

Green? (children's answers: forests).

Guys, tell me, were you with your parents in the forest? What did you like most about the forest? (children's answers.)

Guys, why do you think all the inhabitants of planet Earth need a forest? (Children's answers).

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

In spring and summer we saw him dressed,

And in the fall, all the poor girl’s shirts were torn off.

But the winter snowstorms dressed him in furs. (Tree)

This tree is absolutely true. Do you think the tree is alive or not? Why do you think so?

D/I “What is a tree for?” – in this game you need to talk about the meaning of the tree.

Children's answers:

This is a dining room for animals, insects, birds, since the leaves of trees feed on: elk, birds, caterpillars and other forest inhabitants;

This is a place to build a nest;

for a beetle, this is a home where prey can be found, a place for laying larvae;

For the hare it is food, bark in winter, shelter;

For the artist it is a subject for paintings;

For a tired traveler, this spreading tree can hide from the hot sun and rest;

For a city dweller, a tree is clean air, coolness in hot weather, a place of rest).

Educator: Guys, look here and tell me what is shown? (trees)

Which? (Birch, oak, spruce, rowan)

Game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

Let's select leaves for each tree.

(children determine whether the leaves belong to a particular tree and “revive the trees”)

Phys. minute “We took a walk in the forest.”

We walked through the forest

And a little tired.

Let's stand up and take a deep breath

Let's raise our hands together.

Miracles in our world:

The children have become small,

And then everyone stood up together,

Suddenly they became giants.

Let's clap together!

Let's drown quietly!

We had a good walk and weren’t tired at all!

Do you think it’s nice to be in such a forest? How should you behave in such a beautiful forest? What can’t be done to preserve such forest wealth?

(Break branches, tumble in the grass, light a fire, admire the beauty of nature, pick flowers, pick mushrooms, destroy nests, destroy poisonous mushrooms, pick berries, leave garbage behind)

If you come to the forest, do not make noise, do not disturb the forest inhabitants. And then the forest will reveal its secrets to you.

Educator: Who can we meet in the forest?

Guess the riddles:

1. Jumping along the branches, but not a bird,

Red, but not a fox? (squirrel)

2. He sleeps in a den in winter.

Under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes,

Wakes up from sleep. (bear)

3. The tail is fluffy, the fur is fleecy,

Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village. (fox)

4. Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (wolf)

Name all those you named in one word. Why are they called that?

Game "Pick up the signs"

Look at the pictures and choose words so that they answer the questions, which one? which?

A bear is huge, strong, large, large, mighty, smart, dexterous, shaggy, trained, brown, white, club-footed, clumsy.

The fox is red, big, large, cunning, resourceful, hungry, fluffy, dexterous, sharp-toothed, long-tailed.

The squirrel is hardworking, thrifty, dexterous, tenacious, agile, inconspicuous, jumping, nimble, playful.

The wolf is big, huge, hungry, scary, angry, strong, dangerous, predatory, toothy, gray.

"Pick up actions"

bear - walks, swims, waddles, growls, roars, feasts on honey, wanders, climbs (trees, goes into hibernation, sucks a paw.

Fox - sneaks, sheds, hunts, dives (into a snowdrift, hides (with its tail, rakes (snow, gets (food), digs, runs, makes its way,

Squirrel - jumps, jumps over, gallops, ruins (nests, hides (nuts, lays (mushrooms, gnaws, peels (cones), hides (in a hollow, clicks. Jumps off

– The wolf - sneaks, stalks, attacks, catches up, howls, wanders, runs, hides, makes its way, prowls, makes (a lair, brings (food to the wolf cubs), eats, buries, hides (food).

Exercise “Whose house?”

The animals played for a long time and had fun in the forest clearing, but now it was time to sleep. Each animal went to sleep in its own house. Fox-, squirrel-, wolf-, bear-...

Whose den? Whose hole is it? Whose hollow? Whose lair?

Let's return to the globe.

Educator. Children, what does the blue color on the globe mean? (Water). Now listen carefully and determine what these sounds are.

(recording “Sounds of Water” plays)

Have you heard about water? They say she's everywhere!

Is it so? How do you think? Where did Droplet come from, where could she be? Let's look at the pictures that show the places where our Droplet traveled. Let's call them. (Images).

Stream, river, sea, lake, ocean.

Who needs water? (children answer, answers are accompanied by a display of pictures). Plants, animals, birds, fish, humans.

Can a person live without water? Why do we need water?

To drink, wash, clean, do laundry, cook, water plants.

Of course, you can’t do a single thing without water, it is necessary for all living things, without water there would be no life on our planet Earth.

Educator. Now, guys, let's go and sit down at the tables.

A droplet would like to tell and show the magical properties of water. For this we need to do some research. You are ready? Then let's begin. During experiments, you need to follow some safety rules: don’t make noise, don’t move around, don’t talk, be very careful when working with objects. Agreed?

Experience 1. Fluidity of water. (teacher demonstrates)

I have 2 glasses on the table: 1 with water, 2 empty. Look closely, what am I doing? (I pour water). What does water do? (flows). - When does a person use this property? (When pouring water into a kettle, cup, filling the bath)

Experience 2. Water transparency. (teamwork)

There are 2 glasses of liquid on your tables. In one glass there is water, in the other there is milk. Take 1 spoon and put it in a glass of milk, and the other spoon in a glass of water.

Is the spoon visible in a glass of milk? (No)

And in a glass of water? (Yes it is visible)

Why is she visible? Because the water is clear.

Experience 3. The water is odorless. (teamwork)

Guys, many products can be recognized by their smell. Can you find out?

I’ll check now, you have glasses on your tables covered with a napkin, try to find out by the smell what’s there? (garlic). And in this glass? (tangerines). You are all right, you guessed right, now smell the water. Does she smell anything? So what can we say about water? Water has no smell.

Experience 4. Water without taste. (teamwork)

Guys, do you like candy? Why do you love them? (sweet, tasty).

What does lemon taste like? (Sour)

Try the water, is it sweet? Sour? Salty? Maybe the water is bitter? This means that water has no taste. When does a person use this property? (When preparing food)

Experience 5. Water is a solvent. (teamwork)

Guys, on your tables, in plates, there is a piece of sugar, put it in a glass of water. Can you see the sugar? (Yes)

Now stir the water thoroughly in the glasses, what happened to the sugar?

Has the sugar dissolved? What dissolved it? This is water.

Conclusion: Water is a solvent. When does a person use this property? (We cook, wash, wash, clean the apartment, wash the dishes, etc.)

Physical education minute"White Cloud"

White cloud (rounded hands in front of you)

Rising above the roof (raise your arms above your head)

The cloud rushed higher, higher, higher (we pull our arms up, smoothly swing our arms above our heads from side to side)

The wind is a cloud (describe a circle through the sides and lower them, sit down)

Got caught on a steep slope and turned into a cloud

Into a thundercloud.

Educator. Water resources must be protected. Why? But as?

Don't waste water

Do not let water flow in a strong stream

Close the water tap tightly

Do not litter streams, rivers and lakes

Guys, our guest Droplet decided to stay with us, so that when you see her every day, you remember that water is our wealth and must be protected.

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For the ships to sail,

So that the jelly can be cooked,

So that there is no trouble

We cannot live without WATER!

Reflection. Where have we been? What we were talking about? What new things have you learned about water? What should you do to save water?