Easter chicken basket made from newspaper tubes. Master class with step-by-step photos

DIY Easter basket made from paper tubes. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Basket "Chicken". Master class with step-by-step photos

The work was done using the technique of weaving from a newspaper tube
Krotova Oksana Alekseevna teacher-organizer of Orphanage No. 1 in Guryevsk, Kemerovo region.
The master class is designed for school-age children, teachers and parents.
Purpose: Gift ideas, interior decoration, home use.
Target: education of a creative, active personality who shows interest in technical and artistic creativity and a desire to work, develop and realize creative abilities in children.
Tasks: Development of personal qualities (activity, initiative, will, curiosity), intelligence (attention, memory, perception, figurative and figurative-logical thinking, speech) and creative abilities (the foundations of creative activity in general and elements of technological and design thinking in particular);
There is always something for skillful hands to do,
If you take a good look around.
We can create a miracle ourselves
With these skillful hands.

From the history of weaving: If you delve a little into history, then already in the very first origins you can find the roots of the emergence of this type of activity as weaving. Since ancient times, primitive people learned to weave ropes for their everyday needs, probably earlier than making a fire, and they wove absolutely everything that came to hand - and that’s how the first knot was born. By the way, it is known that man learned weaving before he learned pottery . He wove roofs and fences from flexible branches, learned to weave baskets, cradles, and bast shoes. In Rus', weaving was considered a special art. With the development of this type of needlework, new materials for use appeared. You can weave from anything you can get your hands on: from wicker, from beads, from ropes and threads, from leather and birch bark, from wire, etc. And now modern people have begun to weave from newspapers and magazines - the most accessible and cheapest material for weaving. So, I decided to master the technique of weaving from newspaper tubes, create several products using this technique and teach this type of weaving not only to children, but also to adults.
I'll show you how to weave a basket for Easter eggs "Chicken".

Almost everyone has the material, namely newspapers, in their home.
The costs for this master class are minimal - newspapers or magazines, glue, paint, varnish, brushes, scissors, knitting needle (preferably No. 1.5-2) and a stationery knife.
In the future, for painting the product, a water-based stain is used (more economical in terms of money (45-50 rubles), furniture varnish (150 rubles) or acrylic (350 rubles), for colored products a paint composition is used (color + white acrylic paint + acrylic varnish).

A knitting needle is your main tool for twisting paper tubes.
The sheet should be rectangular, 10-15 cm wide, 30-50 cm long. Place the paper strip on the table (or on your palm) so that the narrow side is facing you. Place the knitting needle on the lower left corner of the sheet at an angle of 45 degrees and, pressing and holding the paper tightly, begin to rotate the knitting needle. When the entire sheet is curled, lubricate the corner with glue and press it to the tube. Have you noticed that the diameters at the ends of the tube are different? This is important: thanks to this “funnel” you will lengthen the tubes by inserting them into each other.

Usually I immediately paint the tubes in certain colors. We start the weaving process from the bottom. You need to decide on the size of your basket from the very beginning. We begin to weave the bottom. We take 10 tubes, fold them crosswise, fastening them with PVA glue. We are waiting for the tubes to stick.

Next, we take the tube, bend it in half, put it on the ray of our workpiece and begin to braid our base with it, swapping the working tubes.

After the operation, we get a blank similar to the sun. We need to weave until we get the required diameter of the base. Place the mold on the bottom and lift the protruding rays to the top.

After this, we lift the tubes up and begin to weave the walls with a rope pattern (we put the working tube that is located in front of the rack back behind the rack, and bring the tube parallel to it forward, i.e. we change their places) When the tubes become short, they need to be lengthened by inserting each other friend. When we reach the desired height, we cut the working tubes and insert the ends into the weaving.

I used a small "Bird" pattern, but you can also leave the "rope" weave.

Next, we leave 5 racks, build them up and strengthen them on the sides with additional tubes. We will weave the neck of the chicken. We bend the working tube in half, put a loop on the outermost post and begin to weave a rope pattern like the walls of the mold. Having reached the 5th outermost post, we turn the weaving and begin to weave back to the outermost first post. So we raise our weaving to the top, gradually narrowing the neck.

Having braided the neck to the desired height, we cut off the posts and fold the neck to form the chicken’s head.

Let's start making the handle. We leave 3 racks on the sides, strengthen the two outer ones with additional tubes. We put a loop on the outermost post and weave a pattern. See photo.

Having achieved the desired height of the handle, we strengthen it on the opposite side to the edge of the walls, lubricate it generously with PVA glue and fasten it with clothespins for strength (do not forget to remove them later)

The handle is ready, the head is also ready, all that remains is to make the tail at your discretion. You can attach feathers, ribbons, I wove small pieces, which I inserted into the weave using a knitting needle and secured with glue. When the product is ready, I completely cover it with furniture varnish (it’s best to do this outside, because the varnish smells a little), coating thoroughly Leave the places where the handle and tail are attached to dry.

The most exciting action begins. The decorative design of the chicken is also at your discretion. We hot glue the eyes, beak, crest, and decorate with satin ribbons. Our Chicken basket is ready to delight you and your family.

Quite often, on the eve of a bright holiday, you want to decorate your apartment or house with indispensable Easter attributes and spring decor. One of these decorations is an Easter basket made from newspaper tubes, which can be made from scrap materials. This original and beautiful product is used to store painted eggs and create a festive atmosphere.

What you need to make your own Easter basket from newspaper tubes. An Easter basket made from newspaper tubes is a cute and easy DIY craft that can be made in a few hours. To weave such a basket you will need the following set of materials:

  • newsprint;
  • knitting needle;
  • stationery knife;
  • polymer glue or PVA;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • wire;
  • water-based stain (for painting);
  • rope.

The complexity of this work is rated as medium.

Important! In the future, unusual Easter baskets made from newspaper tubes will fit perfectly into a country-style interior.

Easter baskets made from newspaper tubes: master classes

There are many options for weaving an Easter basket in the form of a basket. In this case, you can give room to your imagination, as well as add any details to further decorate the chicken basket.

Easter basket “Pied Hen”

The main technique for making an Easter basket is layer-by-layer weaving.

The first stage is making a round bottom. To do this, you need to take two pairs of newspaper tubes and place one on top of the other.

Then you can move on to the “calico weave” of the Easter basket and weave two elements at once so that they run parallel.

Then they begin to weave the walls of the Easter basket layer by layer. To do this, you will need a bowl or saucepan, which should be secured with a rope. The row is woven and glued.

Important! There are 24 racks - the same number of tubes will be required. Each of them must be brought out in front of the adjacent rack and placed behind the next one.

In this way they weave in a circle until the length of the paper parts runs out. If necessary, each one can be extended, and the color of the basket can also be changed.

Similar actions are carried out in the tail area (opposite), however, only six racks are distinguished here.

Folding should begin from the side of the Easter product (that is, where the wings will be). Three stand tubes are bent one after the other. And the leftmost rack is placed on any free one.

The end result should be a bend like this. All that remains is to weave the stands for the tail and head of the chicken basket.

A wire 55 cm long is inserted into the outer elements.

Gradually it is necessary to reduce the side parts to the middle so that the neck of the festive chicken basket emerges. Almost at the very base, one post needs to be cut off.

Then nine more rows are woven in an even manner - the racks must be kept at the same distance. The chicken's neck is at least 30 centimeters.

Afterwards, you need to apply glue along the entire length, twist the required shape, and also tie it with a rope until it dries.

Next, the tail of the product is made. The wire is also inserted into the outer elements. The weaving will similarly need to be reduced to the middle. Only two posts are braided at a short distance. The end of the tail is wrapped in a tube, glued and pinched.

Then the chicken basket needs to be covered with glue, and decorative tape can be added to the scallop and wings. The beak is made from a folded red newspaper stick.

The result is such a cute and colorful Easter product in the form of a basket.

Easter chicken made from paper vine

Work begins with making newspaper tubes. One strip – 7.5 centimeters. All tubes must be the same size and thickness. Then they need to be painted beige and brown. For a round bottom, you need to lay out 3 by 3 sticks in a cross and braid the entire structure. A video of weaving an Easter basket from newspaper tubes will help beginners:

Two rows are woven with three elements each, and from the third row one tube is woven. And thus it is necessary to weave about 8 rows.

Then additional small sticks are inserted and raised.

Then they start bending. Each part should be brought back behind the second, and then hidden in front of the third.

These double sticks are then braided. To do this, substitute two more, and then weave three or four rows with a rope.

A regular rope is used to weave the neck of a festive chicken basket. It is gradually important to narrow it down so that only 3 tubes with wire remain. Weaving continues on them.

Afterwards you need to complete the weaving, cut off the ends, and seal it. All that remains is to twist the neck and tie it up. You need to leave the product to dry for some time.

All that remains is to weave the tail of the chicken. It is made with ordinary rope; here the wire is no longer needed, since the shape will hold well.

A basket in the shape of a chicken is perfect for a country-style interior. Easter colored eggs or your favorite fruits will also look very beautiful in it.

Good afternoon!!! I promised a master class on my chickens - I keep my promise!

so let's start..... take 4 tubes for the bottom 4 times

weave to the required diameter, for me it is 17 cm

we bend the racks up through one

We put a suitable form and weight inside

we weave with a rope from 2 tubes

my shape is a little below the required size, so I do it this way....

I put a stack of disks about two cm high on the bottom

I return the shape and weight to its place and braid it to the desired height... I have 8 cm here

we weave the neck...I shorten the rows by connecting the outer tubes, first 2 and after a couple of rows 3 racks each - this gives us a smooth narrowing

then we cut 1 stand from the inside so that the neck is a little narrower and weave it to the desired height, for me it is about 30 cm

I wove the neck and arm according to the master class of Elena Tishchenko

leave 6 posts for the tail

and begin to weave the handle of the basket

there were 2 free stands left between the handle and the neck...I crossed them and tucked them into the stands

I help with a knitting needle

weaved on both sides the desired length of the handle

for the neck I increase the risers and continue to weave about 30 cm

here’s a swan))))) now we twist this neck and glue it with hot glue several times as we twist it... this is how we get the round head of our chicken... I also glued the handle with a hot gun... the joint is almost invisible

take a red tube and form a comb and beak and again glue it to the head with a heat gun....glued dark buttons in the center - eyes

this is the junction of the 2 parts of the handle, you can search for a long time...)))

now let's move on to the tail...we have 6 risers left for it...there will be 3 feathers

whoever wove apples knows how the leaves are woven...the same principle applies, so we add one more riser to each pair and weave feathers on three tubes

first we move the racks apart, and then we fold the side ones inward and weave a rhombus with chintz weave with one tube

We wrap the risers with the tip of the tube and glue the tip with PVA glue

The average diamond is a little higher - for beauty)))

Well, the tail is ready

and the chicken is already ready

spin a little

All that remains is to varnish and give it to good hands....

and this is my granddaughter taking the job))

and this beauty was woven to order.....I don’t know why this color was chosen...but the owner is a gentleman...

I hope it will be useful to someone, especially for beginners and on the eve of Easter!!! Thanks to everyone who looks at me and thanks for your feedback and comments!!