How to learn letters with your child. How to quickly learn the alphabet with your child How to quickly learn letters with your child 6


Buy cubes with letters and pictures for your child. First, try to teach your child to associate letters with familiar everyday words, loved ones, toys, and animals. Name the sound and invite your child to find the cube with the corresponding letter. When he has completely mastered this game, show him other pictures with the same letters. In addition to cubes, magnetic posters, children's computers, cards with images of letters, and boards with magnetic letters will help in learning letters.

Repeat the material you have learned constantly. Read poems to your child that begin with the letter you have learned. Before going to bed, ask him what letter he learned today.

Surround your baby with a picture of letters. These could be posters on the walls or simply cut out silhouettes of letters from cardboard, bedding and clothes with the alphabet, soft toys, cookies in the form of letters, children's dishes, refrigerator magnets. When a child constantly encounters objects depicting letters, he will remember them faster.

In order not to clutter your child’s head with unnecessary information, you should not study the names of the letters of the alphabet; mastering the sounds themselves will allow the child to learn to read much faster in the future. That is, you need to remember not the letter “I short”, but the sound “Y”.

Previously, it was believed that thanks to the good functioning of the imagination and visual memory, the child would better remember the letters that he would correlate with a certain picture. However, this can be considered a deep misconception. The picture of a wolf and the sound “B” do not evoke intuitive associations in a child; he does not yet know how to isolate the first letter from a word, so when mastering the alphabet in this way, he will need to use mechanical memorization, which is unacceptable in this case. It's better to replace the pictures with:
- interjections;
- onomatopoeia;
- associations.
For example, the letter "U" looks like an airplane that turns around in the air. He flies up and says "Oooh".

To quickly learn the alphabet with your child, you need to let your child feel the letters. He needs to see them with his own eyes, touch them with his hands, listen to how they sound. For example, you and your child can cut out the letter “Zh” in the shape of a beetle, give him the opportunity to color the insect, draw eyes, wings, crawl with the bug, fly around the room, buzz: “The beetle buzzes like the letter “Zh.” If the child does something on his own, he will remember it much faster than when his parents show or tell him.

You can perform unexpected actions with letters for your baby. For example, pour sand onto the letter “C” cut out of cardboard, repeating together: “Let’s sssss sand on the letter “C.” If, when learning the sound “C”, the child cannot remember it, then you need to give a hint: “Remember, we ssspilled pesssochek on the letter? What was she like?" You can also show the child the outlines of a forgotten sound with your fingers or give the same cardboard letter.
The child can be asked to turn into letters in front of the mirror. He will be good at "T", "G", "F" and other sounds. The process must be voiced.

There are quite a lot of games for consolidating the knowledge of letters. They need to be selected taking into account the interests of the child. For example, transport letters of different shades on multi-colored cars. Or give names that contain repeated sounds, and for clarity, stick pieces of paper on them highlighting the desired letter.

To begin with, the child must learn to choose the desired sound from several suggested by the mother, and only after the baby stops making mistakes can he proceed to directly naming the letters.

When choosing games, you should take into account that all sounds should be fun and interesting, then learning the alphabet with your child will be quick and easy.

Early childhood development today is the basis of most educational methods. It is not difficult to explain: the earlier a child begins to study, the deeper and stronger his knowledge. However, making learning fun for little ones can be difficult. How to learn the alphabet with your child?

Read, read and read again, then the baby will want to imitate you, will become interested, and will copy. Tell him about the prospects, that very soon he himself will be able to find out what is written in a book with a bright cover or in a multi-colored magazine with attractive pictures. When you begin to train your baby's writing skills, also use imitation. Invite your child to repeat your letter drawings. For a child, such a game for learning the alphabet will not be boring, but will become interesting entertainment.

Bring elements of learning into the interior of the children's room. To do this, use bright toy letters made of cardboard or plastic, or puzzle mats. Nowadays, soft pillow letters that can be used for their intended purpose are very popular. Simple toys that can be used to create an associative series will also help your child remember the alphabet. For example, assign a different letter to each of them: car – “a”, drum – “b”, helicopter – “c”. They will help you learn the alphabet and primers with bright pictures, cubes or cards. By the way, they are easy to make yourself. Simply cut out squares from cardboard and write or stick letters on them.

There are a huge number of interesting bright aids that will help you learn the alphabet with your child. These include educational applications for gadgets. To start the learning process, simply download the application to your phone or tablet and give it to your child. Different modes introduce the baby to the description of letters and words, their pronunciation, bright illustrations create a memorable visual sequence, tongue twisters, riddles and poems train diction, attention and memory.

Take your time!

It will not be possible to quickly learn the alphabet with a child, especially if he is only 2-3 years old. Don't force your child to memorize all the letters at once.

One lesson should last no more than 20-30 minutes. Move on to new information only after the child has a good memory of the letters he has learned, which, by the way, need to be repeated all the time. Children forget information very quickly when it disappears from their sight. Leave “reminders” at home: the alphabet drawn by your child, letter toys, pictures of letters.

Don’t forget to also review the material covered. You can do this while walking or going to the store.

Video on the topic


  • Vocabulary development games

As a rule, young children memorize short texts mechanically very well. But when the child goes to school, this method of learning the necessary material will sooner or later cause difficulties in memorizing the school curriculum. Information intended to be learned in middle school is more complex and will require the development of other memorization skills to assimilate it. How to teach a child to correctly assimilate the required amount of knowledge in a short time? Here are some important tips:

The best time to complete school homework is the same day on which the child received the assignment. The fact is that in this case, short-term memory works only during the first day, after which the student can easily forget the information explained or already learned in class. In order for the acquired knowledge to be consolidated, you should not put off doing your homework for a long time.

The material that needs to be learned must be divided into several equal parts. The student will memorize each part separately, having breaks between educational activities (a short time during which you can actively relax, move around, do some physical work for your pleasure). Thus, the information will be absorbed much easier than if you try to immediately master all the given material in one sitting.

You also need to constantly monitor the proper organization of the student’s daily routine. It is advisable to start doing homework at the same time every day, with daytime hours being the best option. During daylight hours, the material will be remembered better, and in the evening you will only have to repeat it once if necessary.

Naturally, in order for a child to easily and quickly remember the necessary educational information, he must clearly understand the meaning of everything that needs to be learned. It happens that during lessons a student is unable to delve into some material and master it - help your child figure it out at home. Carefully study the given topic and explain any unclear parts. It is very difficult to remember something unclear.

Also, in order to help children remember quickly and well, it is worth teaching them how to work with texts correctly. As you know, each person has his own method of memorization that is closer to him (some require visual images, others perceive information better by hearing, and so on). In accordance with this, there are various ways of working with texts. Introduce the child to all existing basic types of work with educational material, teach him to use each of them in practice, and then the student will independently choose the one that will be closest to him and will help him cope with the task as effectively as possible. So, you can read the text several times in a row to memorize it visually, or read and reproduce the information out loud. You can read the information and highlight the most important ideas of the text, or sketch out a short outline of it on paper.

In order for a student to be able to absorb the educational material he needs without much effort, the child’s memory should be trained regularly. For this purpose, you can use a variety of special aids aimed at memory training. Such didactic materials are very entertaining and interesting and can become useful and fun leisure time not only for the student himself, but also for the rest of the family.

Since the program material at school may not always be interesting, the child often has to learn boring information without fully perceiving its meaning. Naturally, this method of memorization cannot be called effective. In order to save children from the need to cram the school curriculum, it is advisable to introduce them in advance to the principles of voluntary memorization. To do this, you can use various associations. For example, if you need to remember some new, unfamiliar word or abstract concept, you can find associations suitable for it that will resemble familiar images. When getting to know foreign words, you can use consonances (for example, the English word look is translated as “look” and is consonant with the Russian “bow”). You can even make up a small plot from the consonant word and translation (for example, from the words above, make up something like this: “When I cut the ONION, I can’t LOOK”).

Teach your child to highlight and record the most important things in the information presented. For better memorization, you can come up with special reminder elements, with the help of which you can easily remember the material you have studied. For example, ask your child to choose a few words or images that match the meaning of the text.

One of the most important elements of learning and memory development in children is learning poems by heart. Memorizing texts in poetic form is very useful and important for the child’s mental development and successful learning. However, given the fact that at school the process of studying poetry is often presented in the form of a kind of test, like some kind of oral test, care should be taken in advance to ensure that the student successfully masters such information. Reading poetry together as a family will not only help facilitate the process of memorization, but will also develop a love for poetry in the child. From time to time you can have interesting family conversations, discuss not only poems, but also the biographies of their authors. Such activities, and most importantly the support of parents, will be an excellent contribution both to the development of the ability to meaningfully remember, and to the overall development of children.
If a child has a desire to read poetry on his own, if he is attracted to the world of literature, then there will be no problems with memorizing poetic works at school. In addition, such a love of poetry over time can even develop into something more than just an element of study or a hobby, and develop into a talent. One way or another, learning poems by heart is one of the best ways to train your memory. Having, as a rule, a harmonious rhythm and strict rhyme, poems are absorbed without much difficulty, especially if parents study together with their child, selecting the most interesting and age-appropriate material. For even more productive memorization, it is necessary to make the plot of the chosen poem as interesting as possible for children’s perception, to add more lyricism and imagery when reading the text. If you wish, you can even organize from time to time something like family literary evenings, where each family member will recite a poem he or she loves. This is not only the development of memory, but also the development of good, correct diction, and love of art.

Human memory is truly unique, since it allows not only to accumulate the necessary information, but also to use it productively in the process of activity, to accumulate experience, to use the experience and knowledge of other people in various life situations. The key to rapid and good development of intelligence is the presence of excellent memory. By training a child’s memory from a very early age, you can achieve a fairly impressive amount of memory, which will help you study and work successfully in the future. It is possible to train the ability to memorize with the help of regular intellectual exercises - performing specially designed exercises.
One such exercise could be the following one, called “Describe the Picture.” To conduct this activity with your child, you need to take images that are familiar to him: magazine cuts, book illustrations, or something similar. It would be great if the picture used depicted at least five or six different objects. The child is required to carefully examine the image for 30 seconds, trying to remember in detail everything that is present on it. Afterwards, you need to close your eyes and first imagine the drawing from memory mentally and then try to describe in as much detail as possible everything you saw and remember. After the child’s story is finished, the image is shown again and any missed points are discussed. If children can easily cope with simple images, the visual material can be complicated by increasing the number of small details, using a variety of color shades. In turn, the child can create a similar task for their parents, and the activity will turn into an interesting family game, in which children checking the adult’s story will be entertaining, useful and instructive.

Photo: Sergey Nivens/, Dmytro Vietrov/, Sergey Nivens/, ximagination/, Nagy-Bagoly Ilona/

Anna Ponomarenko

We are all different. We perceive and solve problems differently, we fall in love and love, we raise children differently. Why do some parents’ children read fluently at 5 years old, while others at 7 don’t even know letters? Who is to blame - children or parents? How to teach a child to read?

Teaching methods

Parents can be divided into 3 categories:

  • first, they work with children to show off their successes to others;
  • second, they think about how to learn letters with their child before sending them to school.

The third category of parents is unlikely to admit to themselves their desire to learn the alphabet early with their baby, but they do this so that "untie your hands". What the baby will read - books or comics on computer sites - does not matter, the main thing is that he will be busy.

Of course, the classification is more of a joke for parents, but almost all mothers and fathers have to face the problem of how to teach a child to read and help them learn letters. How to quickly learn letters with your child and make the lessons bring him joy?

If you present information in a playful way, it will be easier for your child to remember the names of the symbols.

Electronics help

If earlier cubes with symbols were used for learning - the child was shown pictures and the sounds were named, now it will help to quickly teach the child to pronounce sounds "Talking ABC".

This game is a table of letters, but has several variations.

  • Screen, like an e-book for reading, where you type letters and then read them out loud
    electronic voice. This device not only voices individual characters, but also syllables and words;
  • A table in which letters are inserted independently by connecting contacts. Sounds and syllables are voiced. Buy this model "Talking ABC" very difficult;
  • The most common option is a table with ready-made letters in certain places. When you click on the desired symbol, the device speaks it.

You can learn the alphabet using a computer - there are enough educational programs, but if you are wondering how to learn letters with a 3-year-old child, it is better not to put him at the computer. The retina of the eyes is not sufficiently developed, and screen flickering will negatively affect the condition of the visual apparatus.

Modeling or coloring

You can instill in your child the desire to learn the alphabet from an early age by reading books to him. Of course, he himself will want to know what is written there.

It will be interesting for young children to memorize letters if they sculpt or paint over the symbols - a child under 5 years old is not yet able to write clearly, his motor skills are not yet sufficiently developed.

Parents cut out symbols from paper and offer to paint them over, or sculpt them together from plasticine or ceramic clay - in the future, all this “material” will be useful for composing syllables. An additional bonus is the development of fine motor skills.


The names of letters are remembered after associations:

  • house - D;
  • bagel - O;
  • cross - X.

This method is not very convenient.

  1. It is quite difficult to find similar objects for the entire alphabet, and adults resort to matching words with the required first letter. Kids get confused: “Why is A a stork, and the cross is X and not K?”;
  2. In the future, it is very difficult to learn to perceive syllables. More often than not, it is not the letters that are remembered, but the associations. How can adults themselves make up a word from a crescent, a ring, P and a broken ladder -A?

By the way, in textbooks for primary schoolchildren and associations differ: the authors may call the broken ladder A or E.


Appliqué also develops fine motor skills; this method is suitable for teaching children over 5 years old - they should already have mastered working with scissors. Parents will have to help their children draw letters on colored paper, and they will have to cut them out carefully themselves.

Letters can also be found in old magazines, cut out, first syllables, then words.

Writing skills

How to learn letters with a 6 year old child?

Preschoolers can already be taught to write. “Classical” lessons are not welcome - they are boring and get boring quickly. There is another disadvantage of independent study - children are taught to write using certain pedagogical techniques to develop legible handwriting. That is, the baby must first master the sticks and loops, and then the letter symbols.

The goal is to teach the names of letters. Therefore, they are not even written - they are drawn: with a felt-tip pen, chalk, paints - on asphalt, album sheets, with a finger on the sand of the beach.

Everything that the child depicts is clearly stated by the parents.

Teaching Methodology

You should not immediately force your baby to memorize the entire alphabet. It is enough to first learn a few more frequently used letters, and then form words from them - otherwise it will be uninteresting to play. The most commonly used are M, A, U, S, O.

  • Mother;

There are few symbols, but many words - it will be interesting for the baby to play. As he progresses, the remaining letters are also mastered - they are introduced when composing words.

For example: “Uma. And if you add the letter K, you get the name of the cartoon bear cub - UMKA". And show a picture with a teddy bear.

There are children for whom it is much more difficult to form syllables into words than to learn the names of individual
letters For them, it is better to draw cards - first with individual letters, then with syllables. By memorizing entire two-letter syllables, they will quickly learn to form words.

Vowels are usually mastered first, and only then consonants. It is difficult to remember them by ear, especially for deaf people. If the child has already mastered the technique of syllables, then it will be easier for him to pronounce consonants.

It is imperative to analyze whether the baby understands the words that he is already reading. If he knows that each combination of letter symbols means a certain object, action or quality, he will be interested in learning. You can play the word-object game.

Cards are prepared in advance. The baby must name the letters, read the word, and then find objects in the room. At first he will probably confuse “TABLE” and “CHAIR”, “LAMP” and toy “LAMA”. This will enliven the lessons and bring a lot of fun to the “teacher” and “student”.

Every parent knows that it is necessary to teach poetry to a child. They help the development of memory and speech. Every parent remembers the first poem he learned by heart with his child. How proud he felt when a child loudly and emphatically recited a poem to his grandparents or at a kindergarten party. But sometimes these feelings are mixed with unpleasant memories associated with the process of memorizing a poem. But this can be avoided. Knowing the characteristics of a person’s memory, you can learn a poem with your child without much effort.

If you want your child to remember a poem, read the verse with expression and interest the child. Remember that the baby will only do what is interesting to him. Show your own interest in the work, read the poem, vividly imagining the plot, trying to feel everything that is said in the poem. You can use facial expressions and gestures. All ways are good to include the child in the process. Then close the book and try to tell your child everything you read about. Remember to use gestures and facial expressions to help your child remember the content. At this moment, the presence of hesitations and omissions is not at all important. Help the child.

Open the book again and read the poem, paying special attention to those parts that the baby could not remember. Tell us together again. Then let the child try to tell the story himself. Don't forget to praise and encourage your child. He should feel like he is doing a great job, admire his success!

After a few hours, let the baby recite the poem to dad when he comes home from work. Don't forget to repeat the poem with your child the next day. Then, perhaps, the child will remember this poem for the rest of his life and will be happy to teach it with his baby - with your grandson.

Good luck! Just remember that you need to select poems for your child in accordance with his age. The first poems should be very simple, short, with words well known to the child.

Now your child is only at the very first steps, and in such a short time he has to learn so many new, incomprehensible, unusual, interesting things! All his future successes in school and in life depend on his start.

It is so important to think about what we will put into his first steps - attention, faith in his strength, love, trust, understanding. To do this, we ourselves need to know what to do, be open to everything new, and develop together with our children!

A special and important age...

The age of a primary school student (from 1st to 4th grade) is full of changes that affect the child’s entire life, his intellect, behavior, and personality traits. There is a transition from visual-figurative to verbal-logical thinking - the child begins to think not in “pictures of objects” but in their “codes - words”, which is much more difficult, although it seems to us, adults, a common thing. Theoretical thinking is formed, which allows solving problems based on the internal properties and relationships of objects.

Perception is not yet sufficiently differentiated, so the child can sometimes confuse numbers, letters or words that are similar in design. It is IMPORTANT to train your child’s ability to observe!Look at objects or paintings, images in books with your child, analyze together, find logical connections between parts.

Memory becomes arbitrary (even what is not interesting, but necessary, is remembered) and meaningful. At this age, mechanical memory is very well developed; the child mechanically memorizes educational texts, which leads to significant difficulties in the middle grades. Therefore, it is IMPORTANT to train meaningful memory!When doing homework with your child, teach him to break the text into meaningful parts, draw up a retelling plan, and reproduce the meaning of a paragraph in one sentence.

At this age, attention is just beginning to develop. A younger student can concentrate on one thing for 10-20 minutes. Therefore, it is IMPORTANT not to demand from a child at this age more than what his physiological characteristics can allow him!

It is during this difficult period that the child needs your support, control, and understanding. After all, reading is the basis of educational activity, the success of which is laid in elementary school.

Rule 1: Interest

Of course, it is important that reading becomes an interesting activity, and not only during lessons, but in the child’s everyday life.

    Make reading a life skill for your child. Leave him short notes, write letters, make various lists: products to buy, things to take on a hike, books to read.

    Create a board, or simply attach a piece of paper to the refrigerator, and leave wishes for a good day, interesting lessons, etc.

    Offer your child a text to read only when you have already read it to him. It is much easier and more interesting for a student to read a familiar text than a completely unfamiliar one. The joy of recognizing what you are reading is a great helper in the process of improving your reading technique.

Rule 2: Positive example

Children repeat everything after adults, even if it is not immediately noticeable outwardly.

    Develop a taste for reading not only in your children, but also in yourself, because it is an endlessly fascinating process!

    Share with your children how you feel about reading books so that they understand how interesting and exciting it is!

    Read together, because nothing brings you closer together and inspires you to new achievements like joint activities with loved ones!

Rule 3: Regime and training

The word “MODE” is very significant for a primary school student, not only in relation to reading and study, but in relation to his entire life in general. After all, at this age the child is just developing the skill of self-control, so first he must learn this experience from the outside, as your caring control, and then turn it into his internal routine.

    Choose a convenient time during the day to practice your reading technique. 10-15 minutes a day is enough for this. This will help your child develop the habit of reading every day.

    Use various exercises to train speed, develop breathing, and intonation. Get creative and make the process fun for both of you.

Exercise “Dwarfs-Giants”

Reading in different ways. First, read a passage of text joyfully, then read it sadly. It’s as if you are reading in a huge crowded square (loudly and pompously), and then as if you are conveying a secret message to someone (in a whisper with the intonation of a conspirator). Change texts and roles.

Reading in one go

Read as you breathe out. Record how many words the child reads for the first time. Ask him to read the same passage again while exhaling and see how many more words he reads this time. Change the passage and repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise “Throw-Notch”

The child places his hands on his knees and begins to read the text aloud at the command “Throw”. When the “Notch” command is heard, the reader lifts his head from the book, closes his eyes and rests for a few seconds, while his hands remain on his knees. On the command “Throw”, the child must find with his eyes the place in the book where he stopped and continue reading aloud. This exercise can last about 5 minutes.

Exercise "Lightning"

Its meaning is to alternate reading in a comfortable mode with reading at the maximum speed accessible to the child, reading silently and reading aloud. The transition to reading in the most accelerated mode is carried out at the teacher’s command “Lightning!” and lasts from 20 seconds /at the beginning/ to 2 minutes /after mastering the exercise/.

Exercise for memory development “Playing matches”

Throw 5 matches on the table and within a few seconds remember their location. After this, cover the matches with a non-transparent sheet of paper and ask the child to make the same picture using the other 5 matches.


When a child watches a cartoon on TV, ask him to memorize a short excerpt of dialogue between the characters, and then reproduce it, maintaining intonation and facial expressions.

Spend time with your child in a way that brings joy to both of you, establish joint rituals that will not only bring pleasure, but also develop your child’s abilities, discuss with him what is happening around him. Use even small insignificant opportunities to talk with your child about the world around him, its laws, amazing wonders, because what adults have long known, he is just beginning to discover. At such moments, the child feels his importance in this world, his self-confidence develops, which is the key to good study and a happy life!

You can find out more useful and necessary information if you sign up for our upcoming seminar for parents. Here we will tell you:

    about the characteristics of school-age children

    about interesting exercises to develop reading skills

    how to spark a child's interest in reading

We are happy to help you and know how to do it!