How to make a wreath of autumn leaves. Paper autumn leaves: making origami with the kids

A wreath is a beautiful headdress that has come into our fashion from ancient times. Only earlier, wreaths had a magical meaning, therefore they were woven only on holidays. Today, we use wreaths as hair ornaments even in everyday life. In this article we will tell you how you can make an original wreath from natural and decorative materials with your own hands.

For our ancestors, wreaths were a real talisman. They paid special attention to the plants that were used in weaving, because each of them had its own sacred designation, suitable for a certain event in life.

  • The ancient Romans wove wreaths of laurel leaves on the heads of their emperors to emphasize their power and glory.
  • They put on the heads of great warriors wreaths woven from oak leaves, symbolizing courage and fearlessness.
  • Before the feast, Roman men put on wreaths of myrtle, which, according to beliefs in the Roman Empire, was considered a plant that relieves intoxication.
  • But wreaths of thorns covered the heads of the Romans, who were sentenced to death. Approximately the same rituals with wreaths existed among the ancient Greeks.

The peoples of Asia also had several interesting traditions associated with weaving wreaths. For example, brides on their wedding day had to decorate their heads with a wreath of orange flowers, which symbolized fertility. And outstanding writers, poets and playwrights were awarded olive wreaths, which symbolized national recognition and admiration.

For the Slavic peoples, the wreath was an integral part of their life. With their help, they demonstrated to society their status, marital status, ailments and important events:

  • Orphan girls wore wreaths with blue ribbons. People who met such girls on the street always tried to feed them, give them something.
  • The woman who had just become a mother wore a wreath of fresh roses and green leaves.
  • A cornflower blue wreath on the girl's head meant that she was waiting for an offer from her beloved hand and heart.
  • A wreath of primrose symbolized the loneliness of a beauty abandoned by a young man.
  • Periwinkle wreaths were worn by engaged girls.

You can list the types of Slavic wreaths for a very long time, only the essence of each of them is the same - they were a reflection of what happened in life, and of course, they played the role of decoration.

Modern girls decorate their heads with fashionable wreaths, without even thinking about their meaning. They buy beautiful ready-made artificial flowers from the markets and wear them every day to complete their bright look. In view of this, we have prepared several interesting master classes, with the help of which any girl will be able to make wreaths from different materials with her own hands.

DIY wreath base

One of the most difficult steps in creating any wreath is preparing the base. After all, it should be strong, soft and at the same time practical. From the many options available, we have chosen the three most optimal.

branch base

The best natural material for creating the base of a wreath is young long coniferous or birch branches. Dried ones will not fit, because they are no longer elastic, they will break at the first attempt to bend them. Therefore, we recommend working with freshly cut branches. They need to be prepared as much as possible.

Make the basis for do-it-yourself wreaths can also be made from vines.

Now let's move on to the sequence of actions that must be followed when creating the basis from the branches:

  • Strip the branches of knots and needles, then sort them by length.
  • Decide on the diameter of the future wreath and select the required number of branches for work. To create a small wreath, a couple of branches are enough for you, if a large product is supposed, then about 5 branches will be needed.
  • Connect all the branches together with a linen rope. You will get a thin frame, which you will gradually compact, winding the rest of the branches to it.

  • As a result, you should get a fairly dense bezel. It needs to be put under some kind of pressure so that it lies under it during the night. So we will achieve the perfect evenness of the base for the future wreath.

paper base

To make a paper base for a wreath, you will need a lot of newspaper or magazine sheets. Of these, you need to twist dense tubes, which are then glued together with adhesive tape. The tubes will have to be made a lot, because they must overlap each other in layers. As a result, you should get something like this:

You can add density to the paper circle from old nylon tights. Just wrap them around the paper base, securing the ends of the nylon with tape:

It will be very easy to attach any decorations to such a blank. By the way, if you don’t like nylon as a paper cover, you can use any fabric.

wire base

Wire is a very convenient material for creating the base of a wreath, but it is very hard, so it can injure the scalp. To avoid injury, the wire is wrapped with a thick layer of hemp or linen thread. You can show your imagination and use any other material - ribbons, foam rubber, and so on.

Basis from old wiring

This material is softer than wire, but just as flexible. Therefore, by attaching it to the head in order to measure the diameter of the future wreath, it will only need to be cut to the desired length and that's it. You don't have to do any other manipulations.

Alternatively, you can use an old hoop, a vacuum cleaner hose, or a hoop for the base of the wreath.

Do-it-yourself wreaths made of natural material

To make wreaths from natural materials, you need to collect as many different leaves, acorns, cones, twigs, dried flowers and berries as possible, since they will be the main decoration of the future headdress.

Since we have already described the options for the bases for wreaths, we will not dwell on the stage of their preparation. You can use any of the blanks to attach natural materials to it, which will be discussed below.

Do-it-yourself wreath on the theme "Autumn"

When you go out into the park on an autumn day, you can find a huge number of beautiful bright leaves and other natural materials from which you can weave a themed autumn wreath. It can come in handy for a photo shoot or your child's autumn ball in kindergarten or at school. We will consider three options for wreaths:

  • DIY wreath of autumn leaves

To make this product, you need to collect various fallen leaves so that they are predominantly red and yellow. We offer in this article a manufacturing option DIY maple wreath.

  1. Each leaf will need to be preserved in paraffin so that they retain their appearance and do not crumble over time.
  2. To do this, grate an ordinary candle, melt the chips and dip each leaf into the resulting liquid.
  3. Instead of paraffin, you can use glycerin, but you will have to spend a little financially on it.
  4. When all the leaves are ready, they can be attached to the base. We recommend using a paper base wrapped with nylon for this wreath, so that you can stick the leaves without bending them.

Handmade maple wreath can not only be worn on the head, they can also decorate the home interior.

Rowan wreaths were woven in ancient times. People considered the berries of this tree a strong amulet against evil and spoilage. That is why rowan wreaths were worn on the heads of newlyweds, men leaving to fight.

The beauty of rowan wreaths is unique. The scarlet color of the berries and their tart autumn aroma add sophistication to the accessory. At the same time, absolutely anyone can create a rowan wreath. It can be done in two ways:

  • Winding rowan clusters alternately with strong threads to the wire base (you can also weave handmade and laurel wreath);
  • Stringing each berry on a thread, like beads. You should get a long garland, which you will need to fold into several layers along the diameter of the head and tie them together with a red strong thread.

  • Do-it-yourself wreaths of rowan leaves
  1. To create such a wreath, you will first need to prepare bunches of rowan clusters with leaves.
  2. If you have collected twigs with beautiful leaves, then first preserve them in paraffin or glycerin, and then use wire to fasten them to the vine base.
  3. If the clusters of rowan berries are separated from the leaves, then you will have to wrap these leaves to the clusters with a linen thread.

DIY Christmas wreath

To make a New Year's wreath, you will need such natural materials - Christmas tree branches and cones. They need to be tied to the base according to the already known scheme (preferably wire). Cones can be glued with a glue gun.

If you want to dilute natural paints, you can additionally use gouache. Christmas tree needles can be painted with white gouache to create an imitation of snow. An alternative decor option is to varnish the wreath and sprinkle it with sparkles, which will also create a certain snowiness of the wreath.

Wreaths of natural flowers by hand

A wreath of fresh flowers is a head decoration for summer, spring and autumn celebrations - weddings, birthdays, engagements. You can use absolutely any flowers that grow in your front garden. In this article, we will give an example of how to make a gorgeous wreath for a bride.

Prepare the necessary material and tools:

  • Flowers
  • warp wire
  • Secateurs
  • floral ribbon

Having prepared all the materials and tools, proceed to create a wreath:

  • Make the base for the wreath - wrap the wire with tape in several layers.

  • If you do not know the exact diameter of the bride's head, you can make small loops along the edges of the wire, thread a ribbon through them, with which the bride herself will fix the jewelry.

  • Make bunches of flowers and greenery. Tape each element to each other with floral tape;

  • Attach each bundle with decorative wires to the base. As a result, you should get such a beautiful product:

DIY decorative wreaths

The only difference between decorative wreaths and similar products made from natural materials is that artificial models of leaves, fruits, berries and flowers should be used as decor. They look very nice, but cost money. We advise you to resort to their use only if you will wear a wreath of decorative elements often.

This is true for dance groups that create images for choreographic productions, theater studios, the dressing room of which is constantly replenished.

Below we present photographs of wreaths made of artificial materials. It is not advisable to paint the manufacturing technique, because it is no different from the one that we recommended to use to create wreaths from natural materials.

DIY artificial flower wreath

DIY autumn wreath from decorative materials

DIY ribbon wreath

DIY Greek wreath from decorative materials

I really love autumn for its bright colors, abundance of vegetables and fruits, warm scarves and berets, and, of course, for the comfort and special atmosphere. And I also really like to create interesting and beautiful home decor from natural materials.

In autumn, nature is generous with colors, and the whole world around us is a riot of color. I constantly want to collect something, make bouquets, and also weave autumn wreaths of leaves, cones and other gifts of autumn. And then leave all this beauty in your memory for a long time, because ahead is the winter time, buying up paints.

DIY autumn wreath

The word "wreath" comes from an old Slavic word meaning "gift". This wicker decoration made of natural materials in the form of a ring is designed not only to decorate, but also to protect warmth and peace in the house.

Editorial "So simple!" prepared for you 21 delicious autumn wreath ideas which are so easy to create with your own hands. Here it is - a symbol of the harvest, creating comfort.

  1. This wreath used a large number of different herbs and fruits of reddish hues. Such decor will become a fashionable and bright addition to your interior or house facade.
  2. The natural colors of autumn leaf wreaths are familiar to the human eye, they soothe, relax and harmonize.

    Fresh and dry leaves are very beautiful and only once again confirm that the best artist is nature. So why not fill the space at home with her wonderful works, creating a special atmosphere of comfort.

  3. And this decoration is for lovers of everything unusual. If you think round wreaths are too boring, try weaving a wreath in the shape of a heart. It looks very stylish and original.

  4. This season, according to the Pantone Color Institute, red is in special favor. And this is a good reason to create a monochrome solution for your interior in red tones.

  5. All lavender lovers will appreciate this fragrant decor. Weave a lavender wreath and decorate the door with it, and happiness will definitely not pass by!

  6. You can also make very pretty wreaths from old newspapers, which are great to hang on the wall or use as table decorations.

  7. To create such a decor, you will need cones, hot glue, a pruner for cutting cones, a wreath hoop (can be twisted from branches or newspapers), burlap or linen.

    Using a pruner, you need to trim the bumps, cutting off the tops. Work on such a wreath is laborious and with an abundance of garbage, but the result is worth it.

  8. In the simplest, but at the same time effective way decorate a wreath on the door decoration will be collected on the street or in the park with autumn leaves. A wreath looks beautiful both from leaves of the same type, and combined. For a decorative wreath, oak, maple and other leaves are suitable, the color is your choice.

    Dry artichoke, pine cones, chestnuts, acorns and rowan can be added to the leaves.

  9. And this is a wonderful autumn wreath using physalis fruits. How do you like this stylish front door decoration?

  10. This wreath can be used as table decor. Stylish and beautiful, isn't it?

  11. Maple leaf wreaths are especially popular, which can be woven in the usual way or come up with something more interesting.

    For example, you can take birch, maple or other tree branches and intertwine them together. And then decorate the branches with leaves, ribbons, acorns or cones.

In autumn, you can also see a lot of orange physalis fruits, which stand out brightly from other plants. Due to its natural ability to survive for a long time without water, physalis is an excellent basis for decoration. So I suggest you get inspired by another couple of physalis.

Autumn wreaths made from natural materials can be hung on a wall or a door, put around a candlestick, a vase and other decor items, and they will create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and harmony in the house.

Let your imagination fly! And may your autumn wreath be bright and sunny. To create it, you can use both natural and artificial materials. So on the way home, do not forget to collect a bunch of maple leaves, cones, mountain ash and get to work soon.

In addition, to create such decorative wreaths children can be involved. They will be able to select leaves, cones and acorns that match in color, as well as weave them into a wreath on their own.

Nastya practices yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that's what a girl's heart aspires to! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique decorations with a floral theme. Dreams of living in France, learning the language and keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Autumn leaves are a wonderful material for creating interesting crafts. But sometimes they themselves can become crafts if you create them with your own hands. We offer you several master classes on creating origami. Autumn paper leaves can be made both by yourself and with children.

What do you need to create crafts?

The first thing you need is paper. It can be either white or colored. If you decide to make leaves from white papyrus, then you will need to color it with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

Color preference:

  • red;
  • Orange;
  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • green.

And it will become possible to make the leaves more original if you use special paper with an ornament (or packaging). The main thing is that its shade should be from the autumn palette, with hints of red and yellow. You can choose any ornament: geometric (stripes, diamonds, checkered, and so on), abstract or even with the image of leaves).

You will also need scissors and glue. In some cases, it is more convenient to use a glue stick. An alternative to glue can be double-sided tape.

Paper Leaves: Form #1

Instructions for creating paper autumn leaves of the first basic form (for example, like a birch):

  1. We take sheet A4.
  2. Fold it in half.
  3. Cut along the drawn line.
  4. We leave the part that unfolds (picture 1).
  5. We fold the resulting triangle with an accordion, as in picture 1.
  6. We make a stem from the remnants of paper (picture 2).
  7. We glue the leaf and the twig (picture 3).

The autumn leaf of the first form is ready!

Paper Leaves: Form #2

Instructions on how to make autumn paper leaves resembling maple leaves using origami technique (second main form):

  1. Take A4 and fold it in half.
  2. We draw a line with a pencil from one corner to the opposite.
  3. Draw a zigzag, herringbone-like line on top of the straight line.
  4. Cut out along the outlined outline (picture 1).
  5. We fold the resulting sheet of paper with an accordion.
  6. We make a stalk (picture 2).
  7. We glue the parts together (picture 2).

The autumn leaf of the second form is ready!

In this way, you can make any leaflets. To modify them, you just need to change the contours (edges), along which you will then cut out the craft.

Wreath of paper autumn leaves

To make autumn leaves out of paper for such a wonderful wreath on the door, you will need ten sheets of colored 8 x 8 centimeters per leaf. You can use smaller or larger sheets, as long as it is a square.

Instructions for creating a wreath of autumn paper leaves:

  1. Take one sheet of paper.
  2. Fold it in half to make a triangle.
  3. Unfold the sheet and lay it with one of the corners up.
  4. Fold the left and right corner of the diamond to the center fold line, as in picture 1.
  5. Wrap the new left and right corners of the figure again towards the center, as in picture 1.
  6. Make three pieces of such details as in point 4.
  7. Make six pieces of such parts as in point 5.
  8. Take one piece from step 4 and two from step 5.
  9. Fold the three pieces as shown in picture 2.
  10. Lubricate the upper part with glue and glue the bottom two to it.
  11. Do two more parts in the same way.
  12. Glue all three components together, as shown in picture 3. Each component must be superimposed on the other. As a result, you will get a finished leaf.
  13. Now you can make a branch. Glue paper to the back of the finished leaf so that one corner (rhombus) peeks out.
  14. Trim the glued sheet of paper on both sides and fold it as shown in the picture below.
  15. One autumn sheet of paper is completely ready. Make a few more leaves and connect them into a wreath shape.

Magic autumn leaves from colored paper

To make such a wonderful leaflet, you will additionally need to take a set of needles, pins, tweezers and a board.

Instructions on how to make magical autumn leaves out of paper:

  1. We take a regular sheet of paper and draw on it a maple leaf with several veins (picture 2).
  2. We impose a sheet with a pattern on the board (picture 3).
  3. We cut a bunch of multi-colored strips up to a centimeter thick and about 10-15 centimeters long (picture 5).
  4. We insert pins along the contours of the drawn sheet into its sharp corners.
  5. We fold each strip of the same color in half and cling to a pin (pictures 6-9).
  6. Lubricate the contour with glue, each strip.
  7. We take a strip of a different color, twist it and put it into one of the contour cells (picture 10).
  8. We fill in this way all the cells of the frame.
  9. We make a stalk (picture 11).

You can give the leaf a special color - the transition from one shade to another. To do this, we dilute the paint of red, orange and each in a separate container. We take a sponge. We moisten it in red and blot the finished leaf from above. Then we dip the sponge in orange and give color to the middle. At the end, paint the bottom of the leaf with yellow paint.

Autumn leaf is ready!

simple autumn leaves

The easiest way to make autumn leaves out of paper with your kids is to use a special shaped stapler (sold in large stationery or specialty stores). If this is not there, but you don’t want to buy, then you can resort to the old method: fold five pieces of paper (or take one and fold it several times), draw the outline of some sheet (for example, aspen) and cut it out.

With the help of such blanks, you can make original wreaths.

To get such wreaths as in the picture, you need:

  1. Make a lot of multi-colored paper leaves (at least fifty pieces).
  2. Cut out a circle of any size from cardboard or other dense material.
  3. Glue the leaf blanks to the circle, starting from the outside, and not from the middle. To do this, you can use both glue and double-sided tape. In the second case, tape should be pasted over the circle, not the leaves.
  4. Glue a cord on the back of the circle, for which you can then hang the finished wreath.
  5. Decorate, for example, with a bow.

The wreath is ready!

Use the tutorials below if you don't know how to make autumn leaves. perform, so you can involve children.

With the advent of autumn, yellow-red carpets made of fallen leaves and flowers are spread in city parks, squares and in the forest. The leaves collected in the park are an excellent material for creating various compositions, fakes and paintings that can serve as an excellent gift or become an element of decor in any room. Bright autumn leaves pair well with dry flowers, cones, dried berries and fruits, acorns, twigs and other decorative details, allowing you to make unique design arrangements.
Decorative wreaths made from autumn leaves are a bright and spectacular design element that is usually placed on walls, doors, near vases and candlesticks. Such wreaths are made both from leaves of the same type and color, and from different leaves - a combined method. Wreaths look especially good, on which there are as many different elements as possible: cones, wheat ears, acorns, many small leaves and branches, and at the end red clusters of mountain ash and decorative pumpkins or apples are attached.

To create an autumn wreath of leaves on the door, you must first prepare the following materials: twigs from bushes, trees or vines, dry yellow and red leaves, viburnum clusters, dried physalis, glue gun, scissors, twine, gold threads and decorative birds for decor. In handicraft stores, you can often find ready-made bases for creating decorative wreaths, but everyone can easily find everything they need in the nearest park without spending extra money;

After all the materials are selected, you should proceed to the creation of the wreath itself. The first step is to twist a wreath from the prepared branches. The process is quite simple: the branches are collected in an armful and gradually tied with twine, trying to form a circle or an oval. Small sticking branches can be left, this will give the finished wreath a natural look;

When the shape of the wreath is fully formed, you can start decorating the wreath. At this stage, you should decide what the wreath will be like: with one face or two-sided. Here the process of making a one-sided wreath will be shown. We wrap the wreath several times with gold thread;

Let's start gluing the leaves: apply hot glue to the leaf and place it on a suitable branch;

We do the same with the other half of the wreath, but we already paste a little less leaves. The result should be a slightly asymmetrical wreath, as shown in the picture:

We make a small bouquet from several rowan berries and leaves and glue it on the right side of the wreath;

We connect two physalis buds together. Glue the flowers at the base of the wreath;

Autumn is a time that inspires us to be creative. The tradition of decorating houses with beautiful wreaths exists in many countries. Usually, such decor is made for the Christmas holidays in order to bring an elegant and bright element into the interior. They are also popular, which, as a rule, decorate doors or walls in the corridor. For their manufacture, flowers, fallen leaves, cones are used. Unusual decor instantly transforms the space, giving it seasonal color and romance. Autumn wreaths can also be used as decorations for festive events: weddings, anniversaries or friendly parties.

If you like these accessories, you can make them yourself. Today we will tell you how to make an autumn wreath from the materials that are found in every home - wrapping paper, bags, old books and newspapers.

A wreath of paper bags.

To work, you will need the following:

  • base circle,
  • several paper bags or a small roll of wrapping paper,
  • glue gun,
  • autumn decorations (acorns, leaves, cones, artificial or dried flowers).

1. In our case, a ready-made foam rubber circle is used as the basis for the wreath. Such a blank can be made independently by fixing the ends of a roller of a suitable size with glue so that the desired shape is obtained. Another option involves the use of foam rubber or synthetic winterizer in a roll, which should be tightly rolled up and fixed with threads. The base can also be made from a rolled thick towel or straw wrapped in cling film. As a last resort, you can always use an ordinary swimming ring for children.

2. Now you need to prepare the paper for further manipulations. Cut off the handles from the bags and separate the bottom and sides so that you get a solid sheet. Cut the same strips of paper about 2.5 centimeters wide and twist them into thin flagella.

3. Heat the glue in the gun and use it to carefully attach the paper strips to the foam circle. Your task is to fix the harnesses as tightly as possible, but aesthetically, so that the base is not visible anywhere.

4. When the wreath is ready, decorate it with autumn decor of your choice using the same hot glue gun.
Ready! It remains only to make a comfortable pendant from a beautiful ribbon or fabric.

Newspaper wreath.

For this project you will need:

  • base circle,
  • newspapers or book pages,
  • colored paper or scrapbooking paper
  • glue gun,
  • pencil.

1. From newsprint or, preferably, thick book pages, cut out the same round blanks with carved edges, resembling a flower. The same patterned patterns should be made from colored paper. Please note that for the fall wreath, you will need colored paper or scrapbooking paper in a yellow-burgundy color scheme. Using a pencil, give each blank a three-dimensional shape.

2. Using a glue gun, fix the blanks on the base circle, pressing them firmly with a pencil for better fixation.

3. Paste the whole circle with rows of paper “flowers”, alternating color and newspaper blanks, to get an interesting decor with an autumnal character.

4. The finished wreath can be decorated with a beautiful banner. To make it, use thick paper with a suitable pattern. Cut out a wide strip from it, figuratively shaping the edges, and fold the workpiece as shown in the photo below.

5. To put an inscription on the banner, cut out the letters from thick paper, oilcloth or any other suitable material, and glue them.

6. Fix the finished banner on the wreath with a glue gun.

You can also decorate a Halloween wreath in the same way, simply by adding a suitable inscription and a few frightening elements.

You can make an autumn wreath out of paper in another way. Just cover the base circle with decorative paper tape and complete the composition with autumn accessories or decorate the wreath with paper leaves cut from newsprint or colored paper.

Experiment with the design options to create your own unique design for this beautiful piece of jewelry.