What to give for your 18th wedding anniversary. Turquoise wedding (18 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

18 years of marriage after marriage.

The anniversary symbol is turquoise. This mineral signifies happiness and victory in married life. All quarrels and conflicts over 18 years of marriage have already exhausted themselves. The couple finally began a period of complete mutual understanding and happiness. Marriage has entered its heyday, its “coming of age.” A married couple does not need to take care of children every hour, because they are already old enough. Spouses can now devote more time to their relationship.

Traditionally, on this day, husband and wife exchange turquoise rings. Previously, those wishing to get married were engaged with rings with this stone. It was believed that turquoise would bring happiness and wealth to a future family. On the eighteenth wedding anniversary, this symbol takes on a slightly different meaning. Turquoise given for this anniversary protects the family hearth and all the good things that the spouses have built over the years they have lived together.

A turquoise wedding is celebrated with family and close friends. The children of the “heroes” of the occasion must be present at the celebration. The room is decorated in blue, azure, greenish shades. You can arrange a dress code for guests - wearing turquoise clothes (a symbol of the anniversary).

Gifts for the eighteenth wedding anniversary

On this day, spouses traditionally give each other rings with turquoise or other jewelry made from this stone (bracelets, amulets). Invited friends and relatives present the couple with various gifts:

  • decorative elements with turquoise: boxes, figurines, glasses, vases;
  • products with turquoise colors: bed linen, tablecloth, curtains, scarves.

An unusual gift option is tickets for a trip to the turquoise-azure sea.

Congratulations and toasts

In addition to gifts, spouses need to prepare a table greeting. Toast options:

Our dear...!
Today we celebrate the coming of age of your love. Over the years, your feelings have gone through many periods - from infantile stormy passion and learning about each other's world to full maturity without unnecessary insults and quarrels. Now your love has “grown” and become stronger. Let her please you with her constancy. Be happy together!
Dear spouses!
Today is your turquoise wedding. This stone is a symbol of happiness and victory. May it bring your love victory over negative emotions and happiness to be together. May your relationship be as beautiful and pure as turquoise!

Every wedding anniversary is important for a married couple, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a round date or not. Every year lived together is the property and pride of the family. Husband and wife become closer to each other every year. 18 years after the wedding, feelings become stronger and more reliable. This date is called very beautifully - turquoise wedding, which means “victory” in Arabic.

B Iris for a married couple means that the spouses were able to withstand all adversity, quarrels and conflicts and thereby gained victory.

During this period of “coming of age”, children have already matured, there is less fuss and hassle, which means that there is more time for each other. Turquoise is a stone that is the personification of love and fidelity. If a husband and wife have been able to maintain their original feelings and respect for 18 years, then nothing can stop them from staying together.

There are many options for celebrating 18 years of marriage. You can have a family dinner in your home, or you can arrange a real celebration by inviting your closest and dearest people to it.

The second option, of course, requires both financial and time expenses, but the wedding anniversary is worth it. Children, who by this time have already grown up, will benefit from a demonstration of family values; by their example, parents show them how important family is. It is better to hand over invitations to everyone personally, this will be the best option.

If the number of guests does not fit in the apartment or house, choose a cozy cafe or restaurant for the celebration. It is advisable to decorate the room with balloons or turquoise paper pompoms. Vases with flowers should be placed on the tables; if possible, it is better to cover the tables with turquoise tablecloths.

As for dishes, what the whole family loves is put on the table. Surely over so many years everyone’s favorite recipes have appeared. Cold cuts, vegetables, sandwiches, canapés - all this will be appropriate for the festive table.

Don't forget about the birthday cake, which should also include a symbolic turquoise decor. Pay special attention to your outfits; on this day you should be beautiful. The spouse can wear a stylish suit with a turquoise tie.

If you don’t want to waste time organizing a competition program, invite a toastmaster. An experienced host will be able to create a festive atmosphere and will not let any guest get bored. And if you are a creative person, then get down to business and draw up a script for a turquoise wedding. The host can be one of your friends or relatives, it’s good if the person has a good sense of humor and a loud voice.

Traditionally, on this day, the “newlyweds” exchange turquoise rings. It is believed that this stone will bring wealth and prosperity to the family.

Pay attention to the musical accompaniment of the holiday; there should be a lot of dancing on this day. It’s better to choose catchy music so that everyone wants to start dancing.

Considering that the turquoise shade resembles the color of a sea wave, you can decorate the banquet hall in the shape of a ship’s deck. With this option, your husband can dress in a sailor’s costume. The feast is diluted with fun competitions, toasts, and the presentation of gifts. Guests are sure to shout out: “Bitter!”

Possible competitions:

"Marriage is..."

Each guest is given a piece of paper and a pen. The challenge is for them to write down what marriage is in three words. Then these leaves are given to the heroes of the day, they read these statements out loud and recognize the author of the lines, who are given a small souvenir. The winner can be given a bottle of champagne.

"Dress your partner"

To participate in the competition you need 3-4 married couples, including the heroes of the holiday. Women are given a pair of socks, and men are given gloves. After this, all competitors are blindfolded.

The task of men is to put gloves on their partner by touch, and the task of women is to put socks on their partner in the same way. This competition is very fun.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

A wedding anniversary is a celebration of two people who love each other and carry their feelings through the years. To please your soul mate, you must present a gift with love and from the bottom of your heart. A woman, after eighteen years from her wedding day, changes.

During this period, she already has sufficient experience of family life, and therefore has a certain life wisdom, which allows her to maintain marriage ties. Appearance also undergoes minor changes, and the moment comes when femininity is most clearly visible.

There is more time for yourself due to the fact that there are fewer household chores associated with raising children. Therefore, a husband can give his beloved wife a set of expensive cosmetics or some perfume. Giving jewelry with turquoise will look traditional and symbolic. The jewelry box looks great in this quality. In turn, the wife should not ignore her beloved husband. Men during this period are especially passionate about their careers and cars, so it would be appropriate to give a gift that is related to this area.

To be symbolic, buy cufflinks or a ring with turquoise as a gift. If your spouse loves bright things, give him a turquoise shirt as a gift.

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

What to give a married couple for their 18th wedding anniversary? This question is relevant for those who are among relatives and invitees. In fact, there are many options, the main thing is to give a gift with love.


Traditionally, turquoise-colored items or jewelry with turquoise are given as gifts on this day. For example, you can give a turquoise bedding set or a set of bath towels of the same shade.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

In order for the holiday to be “saturated” with goodness and positivity, you need to fill it with congratulations and toasts.

Possible text of congratulations in prose:

“Our dear heroes of the day, today is your holiday. You have reached the “coming of age” milestone in your marriage. Now you are allowed to devote more time to each other, travel and simply enjoy family life.

Your children have grown up and become more independent, which is why you have more free time for each other. We, in turn, want to wish your family well-being, health, good luck and prosperity. Be faithful and devoted to your love, preserve and appreciate what has been given to you by fate. May God grant you to live together until your blessed wedding and invite us all to this great holiday. Know that we are proud of you! Congratulations on this joyful day!”

Expensive …. (names of spouses), I want to congratulate you on your 18th wedding anniversary. Today is a holiday, which is proof that you love each other and are happy together. All I can do is be happy for you and sincerely from the bottom of my heart wish you simple human happiness. I won’t wish for mountains of gold and a lot of money – this needs to be achieved. But I wish you health, good luck and luck with great pleasure. Congratulations, my dears. Be happy, you are a wonderful couple. Happy 18th anniversary! Bitterly!"

If you don’t know how to express your thoughts beautifully or just want to read beautiful congratulatory poems, you can buy postcards that already have text on them.

The floor for a congratulatory speech must be given to parents and children.

Original and practical gifts

When buying a gift, you need to choose something that the couple might need. For example, bed linen or a set of towels are always useful around the house. A set of dishes will also be very appropriate.

If possible, you can donate some household appliances. A painting depicting a married couple would be a rather original gift. The picture is drawn from a photo of the spouses.

Funny and cool gifts are also appropriate on this day; you can choose some fancy figurines on the theme of marriage.

Here you will learn how to celebrate and what to give for a turquoise wedding:

Many may say that 18 years of marriage is not a round date, so it does not deserve special attention. In fact, this is not true. To be able to rethink and understand values, you need to live by them and attach great importance to them. A turquoise wedding is not a reason for lavish celebrations, it’s just a reason to say warm words to each other once again, to be glad that you are still together and happy. Family holidays are the key to a happy and fulfilling family, do not neglect them. Are you celebrating your wedding anniversaries??

18 years of marriage is not a round date, but very significant. This is the age of majority for a family, marking the end of its formation and the beginning of a new period of conscious life. A period of devotion, trust and dedication. Therefore, it is important to mark this date appropriately, prepare congratulations and know what to give. And for this, you need to decide what kind of wedding is celebrated for 18 years of marriage.

What is the name of the wedding

According to established tradition, the eighteenth wedding anniversary is called Turquoise.

This name for this anniversary exists in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. And this is no coincidence, because a truly magical meaning is attributed to this stone:

  1. Turquoise is considered by many people to be a symbol of happiness and victory. Agree, maintaining a marriage for 18 years is a real victory for the spouses. Especially if you managed to maintain a warm relationship.
  2. In the East, turquoise is a symbol of purity and eternal love. Having crossed the 18-year mark, the couple understands what happiness fate has bestowed upon them. Only love and trust could help them overcome all the difficulties and troubles of life together.
  3. Turquoise in its color resembles the color of a clear clear sky after a thunderstorm. Likewise, a Turquoise wedding symbolizes the end of crises that arise from time to time in the life of any couple together, and the beginning of a new bright and cloudless period of relationships. After the Turquoise wedding, they should become deep, light and clear, like the turquoise sky.
  4. In ancient times, turquoise was a symbol of wealth and was valued on a par with gold. According to popular beliefs, she brings material well-being to the house. So after the Turquoise wedding, the house of the “newlyweds” will be full.

How to celebrate

According to traditions, a Turquoise wedding is celebrated in a close family circle - with grown-up children, parents of spouses, close relatives and only the closest friends of the “adult” family.

Such a closed celebration will strengthen family traditions and demonstrate family cohesion and its values.

The following will help make such a wedding celebration interesting and memorable:

  1. Sending invitation cards to guests in turquoise tones.
  2. Observance of the Turquoise Wedding ritual - the exchange of spouses with rings made of turquoise or inlaid with this stone. These turquoise rings, along with their wedding rings, are worn by the couple throughout the next year. According to legend, they are indicators of the love of spouses and allow you to feel the state of your partner. If the turquoise on them does not fade within a year, it means that the relationship between the spouses has retained its strength and brightness.
  3. The newlyweds' outfits are in turquoise shades.
  4. Entertainment. Think about how to entertain your guests - prepare fun family competitions and all the necessary attributes for holding them, put family albums in order, select videos about interesting and important events in your family. It would be good if those present were captured on them.
  5. Good musical accompaniment for the holiday.
  6. Capturing the best moments of the celebration in photos or videos.

A special atmosphere will be created by decorating the room in colors corresponding to the holiday.

When decorating your home for the holiday and setting up the table, please note that turquoise combines best with pure white. Look the most impressive:

  • turquoise napkins on a snow-white tablecloth;
  • white candles in silver candlesticks decorated with bright turquoise-blue ribbons;
  • bouquets of forget-me-nots and hydrangeas, decorated with white beads and white satin ribbons;
  • bouquets of white flowers - lilies of the valley, roses, chrysanthemums, decorated with turquoise or blue ribbons, paper, feathers and beads;
  • balloons in turquoise and white shades;
  • wedding cake covered with turquoise glaze and decorated with snow-white cream roses.

Gift for wife

Naturally, the best gift for a wife for a Turquoise wedding will be turquoise gifts, so you won’t have to rack your brains about what to give. From the husband it could be:

  1. Jewelry made from or inlaid with turquoise.
  2. Bouquets of turquoise-azure flowers in original packaging. You can give an unusual composition of morning glory. This bouquet will be especially romantic, because the morning glory leaves are heart-shaped.
  3. Box decorated with turquoise.
  4. Turquoise figurines.
  5. Bag decorated with turquoise.
  6. Evening dress with turquoise inlay.

On this day, any gifts made of turquoise are welcome from guests, because they will bring happiness in love to the home of the heroes of the occasion, remove negative energy and become a talisman for many years. It can be:

  • amulets and amulets;
  • Jewelry;
  • interior items;
  • accessories with turquoise inserts.

If you can’t afford natural stones, you can give turquoise gifts.

It could be:

  • dishes;
  • Houseware;
  • accessories;
  • textile products.

What to give your husband

You can also give your husband something turquoise as a gift for his 18th wedding anniversary:

  1. Watch strap decorated with turquoise.
  2. Belt buckle.
  3. Tie clip with natural stone.
  4. Cufflinks with turquoise inserts.
  5. Cold steel inlaid with turquoise.
  6. Amulet.

If a man is indifferent to natural stones, you can come up with a gift for him in turquoise tones:

  • shirt;
  • tie;
  • scarf;
  • umbrella;
  • certificate for a parachute jump in turquoise or sky color;
  • blue or turquoise tent.


And a wonderful addition to the Turquoise wedding anniversary will be beautiful poems addressed to the spouses. Examples of congratulation texts for 18th wedding anniversary:

You've been together for eighteen years now,
And inseparable as always.
Today you are the bride and groom again,
After all, the Turquoise wedding has arrived!
Let the noble turquoise shine
Today your whole home will light up.
Let love, kindness and understanding
Day by day they dominate it.

Coming of age is here!
You have lived a full eighteen years!
Your feelings of maturity and love have united,
Strengthening the vow of fidelity.
We wish happiness and goodness to lovers,
Sunny and clear turquoise days.
You opened the doors from love and loyalty,
So keep your keys together now.
Let the beautiful light of heavenly turquoise
Every day you live will be illuminated!
Let your heart laugh and your soul warm,
May your life together only be more fun!

Each marriage anniversary has its own name. If 18 years have passed since registration at the registry office, what kind of wedding is it? The number speaks for itself, symbolizing the coming of age of the marital history, its blossoming. A husband and wife celebrating 18 years of marriage accept congratulations on their turquoise wedding.

Why turquoise?

Where did this name come from?

Sky blue turquoise has long been considered a stone of love, fidelity and a happy family life.

The dark veins present in the structure of the stone, similar to clouds in the bright blue sky, are a reflection of the inevitable troubles and obstacles, through overcoming which the formation and development of any couple occurs.

We can say that the joint solution of life problems, which makes up the unique chronicle of this particular family, becomes the basis, a unique pattern that distinguishes it from all other unions. So is turquoise - each fragment of it, having common characteristics with its own kind, at the same time has its own distinctive features that give individuality to individual gems.

As a rule, the 18th wedding anniversary falls at a time when family values ​​have already been established, the spouses are one step away from the pinnacle of professional growth, and the teenage storms of older children have more or less died down.

And the time comes for personal development, the revelation of the most striking spiritual qualities for which previously there was neither the strength nor the time.

Trust is the main theme of the 18th anniversary

The most valuable thing becomes the understanding and trust of a loved one who, in the eighteenth year of marriage, reads his other half like an open book.

It was thanks to this that the couple were able to overcome all the gaps and overcome the difficulties that befell them.

And since since ancient times turquoise has been attributed magical properties to sharpen the insight of its owner, maintain common sense in crisis situations, and return peace to the family, therefore this gem began to be called the symbol of this date.

To celebrate or not?

18 years of marriage, despite the not quite round number, is still customary to celebrate in a narrow circle of friends and relatives.

It is not necessary to throw a big celebration in a restaurant for this; home gatherings dedicated to shared memories will be enough.

The presence of grown-up children, their successes and achievements will become an additional indicator of the parental forces invested in them without regard to their own interests.

You don’t have to book a restaurant, you can spend time with each other on this day

Perhaps the 18th wedding anniversary will become a memorable event due to the meeting of several generations: the parents of the turquoise newlyweds, children, and maybe even grandchildren. In this case, the celebration will strengthen family traditions and become a symbol of family cohesion.

Close friends who have already celebrated this day themselves or are just approaching it will probably want to congratulate you on their 18th wedding anniversary.

For spouses with less marital experience, this date will serve as a good guideline to which they should strive, despite all possible problems.

The meaning of a turquoise wedding can be expressed in the interior design of the room where the celebration will take place, choosing textiles of the appropriate color for tablecloths, napkins, curtains, chair covers, etc. For more information about the names of anniversaries, watch this video:

Of course, you should maintain a balance in the color palette when decorating a festive hall, otherwise you can get a rather dull and uninteresting result. It makes more sense to highlight individual accents with bright blue, decorating the rest in a contrasting, white or universal beige color. The decoration will be enlivened by a bouquet or number 18 made of turquoise balloons.

What do you give for 18 years of marriage?

The main question for invited guests is what to give for a turquoise wedding?

Since the wedding anniversary of 18 years is called turquoise, the gift should be based directly on this gem or its color palette.

Moreover, gifts can be of different price categories. Someone will want to present interior items with turquoise inserts or decorative accessories with a gem. Or you can limit yourself, for example, to bed linen or dishes in turquoise shades. There are no strict requirements for gifts, like for a pink or gold wedding. The main thing is that what is given comes from the heart.

Give your wife something she has long dreamed of

Congratulating each other on their wedding day, spouses inevitably remember the need to pay attention to their other half, not only on holidays, but also in everyday life.

Since turquoise is a fairly popular material for jewelry, gifts such as pendants, earrings, rings, bracelets will be relevant for the wife, and for the husband - cufflinks, watches, tie clips, rings made from this gem or decorated with it.

Among fans of secret knowledge, turquoise amulets are popular, bringing success, happiness and peace.

Collectors of bladed weapons will appreciate the dagger inlaid with turquoise.

An elegant trinket made from this mineral, given by loved ones on the 18th anniversary of marriage, will become a kind of family talisman that attracts good luck, happiness and wealth to the house.

A turquoise talisman given on this day can become a favorite for life.

Another thing is that a gift that has nothing to do with turquoise can be presented in a package of a symbolic heavenly color. A bright blue tie, a matching shirt, a purse, a handbag, a scarf, or another men's or women's accessory of the same or a similar shade are quite suitable as a gift for this celebration.

A luxuriously decorated wedding bouquet of blue flowers will definitely be relevant for this event.

To refresh forgotten feelings, congratulations on your wedding anniversary will be a tour package for two to the azure sea, reminiscent of a romantic honeymoon.

Theater tickets for an interesting performance or concert, presented in a turquoise envelope, will appeal to theater spouses.

A massive ring will remind your spouse of a memorable anniversary

And finally, a poetic congratulation dedicated to the 18th wedding anniversary:

18 is not a round date,

You have a turquoise wedding.

You were so naive once upon a time,

Wise eyes now.

Let the fire of your feelings not go out,

Let love rule your family.

Let any sadness and bad weather

They will bypass your hearth. For interesting ideas for a turquoise wedding, watch this video:

Honestly, it doesn’t matter what kind of celebration - a pink, gold or turquoise wedding: no matter how many years the spouses live together, it is necessary every day to remember mutual respect, trust, love, to be a support for each other and an example to the younger generation.

What to gift:

Many people know the names of anniversaries of marriage, but not everyone will remember what anniversary comes after 18 years of marriage. And it's called a turquoise wedding. Eighteen years together is no joke. Your family is already an adult. This is an independent education that exists, sometimes, even in spite of adversity. Such a date is worth celebrating with dignity.

Often children have matured by this day and become independent. They can already prepare congratulations themselves and give something as a souvenir to their parents. Of course, the newlyweds themselves should please each other on this day and show that they are still full of love, as on their wedding day.

If the family has managed to maintain tenderness and respect over all the years of marriage, it means that the “midlife crisis” that overtakes everyone during this period will also be successfully overcome. The 18th wedding anniversary often finds a woman at the age when she is “a berry again.” This is a chance to become the sweetest for your husband again.

Gifts for the holiday

The name turquoise wedding implies appropriate gifts. These can be products made of turquoise. Jewelry and costume jewelry made from this stone can be given to a woman, and to a man - any decorative item trimmed with turquoise (a table figurine, a cigarette case, a pen, etc.).

There are turquoise amulets that spouses can exchange and carry in their wallets, for example, luring happiness into the family all year long. Turquoise is a symbol of wealth and success, so giving it to an established family for 18 years of marriage means wishing her exactly that.

In addition to the symbol stone, you can give any items of a suitable color. It can be anything, including flowers. The French symbol of the 18th wedding anniversary is the daisy, the flower of fidelity; it is now easy to find on sale.

The main thing is to prepare congratulations on your wedding day that come from the heart, and not standard instructions to “love and respect each other.”

How to celebrate this anniversary

18 years of marriage should definitely be noted; this is a kind of border, after which a husband and wife become completely family, and nothing can separate them.

A large family holiday or meeting of old friends is an excellent format. Surely, many time-tested friends have already become common and have prepared their congratulations on the turquoise wedding.

It's worth spending a little effort and creating an evening of memories. Pick up old photographs, remember what clothes you wore many years ago, how you rested, what you did, how many important events happened during this time. Remember what music was played in those years and organize an audio party. Let the same music sound again. The muted flickering of candles and those closest to you will allow you to return to the times of your youth and your wedding day.

Another holiday option is a romantic evening for two. If you haven't been going out much together lately, now is the time to fix that. Tickets to a concert or a movie (not a horror or action movie) will help bring back the romantic mood. Visit the places where the bride and groom spent time to refresh memories and bring forgotten feelings to the surface. So you will understand that a turquoise wedding is the highlight of your life together. There is so much beauty yet to come!

Try to step out of the box of standard thinking and do something that has never been done before, give something unusual. For example, a bunch of balloons with declarations of love. The experience of living together is often filled with cliches: standard congratulations, routine gifts. Destroy stereotypes: release pigeons into the sky, making a wish, and if opportunities allow, arrange a hot air balloon flight. Many large cities have such a service.

Congratulations in verse

Congratulations on a turquoise wedding can be written on a postcard, sent by SMS message or written on a wall on a social network.

Your wedding was noisy

Many years ago.

But don't be upset

You saved your treasure.

We heartily congratulate you,

And we wish: Many years

May you live carefree

And know no troubles at all.

Wedding turquoise suits

And the groom does not take his eyes off the bride

She is, as before, more beautiful than everyone else,

And he needs it more than anyone in the world.

Eighteen rushed by like a flash.

You couldn't kiss.

Take a good look at each other,

A turquoise blizzard will rush by.

And the turquoise spring will come

Drink your happiness to the dregs!

Congratulations on your wedding

For the eighteenth time!

Let's shout "Bitter!" Kiss!

And we'll drink to you!

What else can we do to make each other happy?