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Educational portal Finger game
Educational portal Finger game "kolobok"
Purpose: to create conditions for the development of children's speech when they get acquainted with the Russian folk tale "Gingerbread Man" staged by a table finger theater. Tasks: - to teach children carefully ...
Decorating a box with your own hands on the theme of autumn from leaves and colors
Decorating a box with your own hands on the theme of autumn from leaves and colors
Autumn crafts with my son in kindergarten - an autumn forest, a village and open spaces for the soul ... I'll tell you how I did everything from scratch. Maybe for one of the mothers this master class ...
Decoupage master class: Autumn box
Decoupage master class: Autumn box
Now you are also doing crafts on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" to school or kindergarten? After all, competitions and exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials (branches,...
DIY crafts from pumpkin seeds
DIY crafts from pumpkin seeds
You can buy a lot of different Christmas decorations for your home, and even more interesting, make them yourself. Now is the time to stock up on pumpkin seeds and dry them. Of these, you can...
Paper autumn leaves: making origami with the kids
Paper autumn leaves: making origami with the kids
A wreath is a beautiful headdress that has come into our fashion from ancient times. Only earlier, wreaths had a magical meaning, therefore they were woven only on holidays. Today we...
Summary of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group
Summary of the GCD on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group "Traveling around the globe
Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution Sitneshchelkanovsky Center for Child Development - Kindergarten "Beryozka" of the Stupinsky Municipal District Abstract ...
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